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In Car Experts Inc. Announces Strategic Marketing Alliance with Avidworx

SWEDESBORO N.J. -- In Car Experts Inc. has created a strategic marketing alliance with Avidworx Productions Inc.Continuing its goal of providing valuable retailer services In Car Experts Inc. (ICE) has partnered with Avidworx to offer its members guaranteed turn-key display solutions. These solutions are provided in the form of merchandising displays and are coupled with exclusive enhanced purchasing programs that will offer ICE members a discount on Avidworx-built products.While a retailer's showroom is not the only thing that makes an impression on a consumer it certainly has to be considered one with great impact said Rob Elliott executive director for ICE. Every retailer we spoke to reiterated the fact that no display company is better at enabling a retailer's showroom to smack the consumer square in the face and yet at the same time lower their guard to keep that same consumer comfortably engaged.This partnership is such a powerful combination because now any retailer who is associated with either company is going to benefit from our shared expertise said Marcel Newell AVIDWORX quarterback and president.

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