7-26-2017, Mobile Electronics -- We are just starting a series on tuning that I am very excited about. First we had Ken Ward show us three simple steps to finding a good signal. I wanted to have him start the series because without a good signal, no amount of tuning can result in a great sounding audio system. Next, we had some fundamental groundwork laid out by Andy Wehmeyer. Andy shared with us some basic information on sound and how we hear it, and how the automotive environment affects that. Moving forward we will hear some more perspectives on tuning from a few other guest writers. The series will wrap up with an overview of multi-channel tuning by Andy Wehmeyer. Before we proceed further in that series, I wanted to take a break and give what you have read so far a chance to really sink in.
As the outside temperature begins to heat up, my mind and body remind me summertime is upon us. I can’t help but think back fondly on an adventure my wife and I went on last year with a wonderful group of people. Every year, Orca Design & Manufacturing sends a group of its dealers to France for a tour of the Focal factory. Last year I was able to go as a representative of Simplicity In Sound. As I do with most trips, I documented it with many photographs. I thought it would be fun to share the experience of the trip and some of the cool tech-related things I learned while there.
Jumping the Pond
The hop across the Atlantic was my second, so I had a general idea of what to expect. Thankfully, our flight was pretty uneventful. We touched down in France and were greeted by the smiling faces of Nalaka Adikari and Carrie Sahotsky of Orca. After a short bus ride, we were at our hotel and sitting down to a wonderful dinner. We were introduced to a few Focal employees and given an agenda for the next day. The first day was going to be a tour of the factory in which our plus-one guests were invited. The second day was to be a more in-depth factory tour and more technically oriented discussion. The plus-one guests were treated to a trip into Lyon for shopping.
The next morning, we had breakfast and took a short bus ride to the Focal factory. The factory is located in the beautiful town of Saint-Étienne. We started the tour by meeting Pierre Pérard. Pierre was our factory liaison for the next two days. I was captivated by Pierre’s passion for speaker manufacturing and the Focal culture. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the history of Focal. After a brief review of Focal, its history and culture, we moved on to the factory tour.
First Impressions
Before I tell you about the actual factory experience, I wanted to share what I thought it was going to look like. Up to this point, I had never been to any speaker manufacturing facility. My exposure was limited to a few pictures I have seen of workers building speakers in the JL Audio literature. So, my thoughts were that we would be touring hundreds and hundreds of feet of conveyor belts that paused briefly at times for machines to complete their tasks on the belted product. I expected to see a few lab-coated individuals with clipboards walking around, making sure the machines were in proper order. What I found, though, was quite different. We entered the factory to see people. People either holding speakers, or parts of speakers. As we paused before going any further we were told that some of the machinery we would see was manufactured by Focal, specifically for a task unique to some stage in the building process. I was unable to take photographs of these proprietary machines. However, I was able to take photographs of many other machines, which I will share for the amusement of those of you who have never been to a speaker manufacturing factory.
Read the rest of the story HERE.
CAMARILLO, CALIF., June 21, 2018 (MEDIAWIRE) – Nick Wingate, mobile electronics industry veteran and national trainer for Orca Design and Manufacturing, competed in and won the Sound Quality Tournament of the sixth annual SQOLOGY Aggieland sound-off competition, held June 9-10 at Mobile Toys Inc., a retail store in College Station, Texas. Wingate received a score of 216.95, edging out fellow competitor and longtime friend Steve Head, who scored 216.45.
Wingate's 2014 Chevy truck served as canvas for the winning build of Orca-represented lines, which included Illusion Audio C3Cx and Focal 165F drivers run by the Mosconi Gladen Zero 4 amplifier. A single Raven 12 XL subwoofer anchored the system, powered by a matching Gladen Zero 3. Sony's RSX-GS9 Digital Media receiver and the Mosconi Gladen DSP 8to12 Areospace signal processor provided precisely-tuned audio.
To eliminate resonance issues, more than 400 pounds of sound-deadening material was used throughout the truck. Each door holds 22 units of Black Hole Tile as well as Black Hole Foil and Focal BAM. Supporting baffles and speaker mounts were constructed of various materials including medium-density fiberboard (MDF), sheet lead and fiberglass resin. Wingate posted a detailed account of the build process on his Facebook page.
A sound quality competitor for more than 25 years, Wingate uses experience from his builds as well as those of competitors to craft his training regimen for Orca retailers.
"It's an especially proud moment for me as well as the Orca family," Wingate said. "All year I train retailers and professional technicians on how to optimize sound quality with some of the best-sounding mobile audio brands available. To put it all together in a winning sound quality vehicle is a successful, real-life application of the principles and standards we teach."
Based in Southern California, Orca acts as importer/distributor, designer and manufacturer for a variety of notable brands. We are the sole U.S. distributor for Focal mobile audio, and import speakers by GLADEN Audio of Germany and Italian-made Mosconi amplifiers. In addition, we design quality products under the Illusion Audio brand, and offer Blackhole damping materials and Raven pure ribbon tweeters for home and mobile installations alike. For more information, visit our website at orcadesign.com.
In-depth course to train technicians on full features of premium vehicle tuning solution
CAMARILLO, CALIF., September 8, 2023 (MEDIAWIRE) – ORCA Design and Manufacturing announced the dates for its fall training and fabrication session, to be held at and instructed with Mobile Solutions in Tempe, Ariz. Select industry installation and fabrication professionals will undergo four days of intense training from October 13 through October 16.
Instruction will consist of the highly rated MasterTech training program taught by Mobile Solutions, in addition to product-specific training led by Orca’s training team. This session will center on the Gladen GA-BARNIE vehicle audio tuning system, which accurately simulates human listening to tailor the sound for drivers and passengers.
“We value our ongoing relationship with Mobile Solutions,” said Nalaka Adikari, national sales director for Orca. “Over the years we have seen the improvement of our retailers – in representing our product lines and enhancing the quality and creativity of their builds – as a result of the training they receive in our special sessions. DSP has become a vital component of car audio customization. With the dedicated GA-BARNIE training segment, we ensure our installation professionals master one of the most innovative tools for enhancing the in-vehicle audio experience.”
GA-BARNIE is currently available to Orca retailers. For more information on the upcoming training session, please contact your local authorized Orca representative. For more on the GA-BARNIE vehicle audio tuning system, please visit mosconi-america.com.
In-depth course to train technicians on full features of premium vehicle tuning solution
CAMARILLO, CALIF., April 19, 2023 (MEDIAWIRE) – ORCA Design and Manufacturing announced it will hold a training and certification event on the upcoming Gladen GA-BARNIE (Binaural Audio Record Non Interferece Elaborate) sound measurement system, June 1-4, at Mobile Solutions in Tempe, Ariz. The in-depth workshop will be held in conjunction with Mobile Solutions’ MasterTech training module. Participants will be selected by Orca and receive complimentary tuition, meals and hotel accommodation.
The GA-BARNIE debuted at KnowledgeFest Las Vegas and MasterTech Expo earlier this year. The unique system consists of a faux head with built-in microphones at the ear locations. The head is placed in the vehicle to emulate how drivers and passengers receive sound, enabling the technician to precisely tune frequencies and align the timing at which sounds reach the listener. The GA-BARNIE connects to, and works with, DSP-equipped Gladen / Mosconi amplifiers.
“We are very excited about the introduction of the BARNIE system,” said Nalaka Adikari, national sales director of Orca. “This training and first-of-its-kind certification will ensure our technicians fully understand the power and benefits of BARNIE combined with Gladen Mosconi DSP. Our objective is to empower retailers to create accurate and unique sound experiences for their clients.”
The GA-BARNIE will be available to Orca retailers this quarter. For more information, please visit mosconi-america.com.
Special listening event to showcase Grand Utopia EM EVO and Spectral 40th speakers
CAMARILLO, CALIF., August 6, 2019 (MEDIAWIRE) – Orca Design and Manufacturing, exclusive U.S. distributor of French-made Focal car audio products, is partnering with Focal’s home products distributor to create a special listening event at the upcoming KnowledgeFest learning and networking event in Dallas. The duo will present attendees with the opportunity to hear what audiophile writers are calling an industry benchmark: the Grand Utopia EM EVO floor-standing speakers. The listening event, comprising several sessions over the show’s three days (August 9-11), will also include Spectral 40th, a pair of floor-standing speakers that were crafted in celebration of Focal’s 40th anniversary.
Both sets of speakers will be powered by amplifiers and source units from Naim Audio, which has specialized in building audiophile products since 1973. Spectral 40th will be paired with a selection from Naim’s Uniti line, while Grand Utopia will benefit from Naim’s flagship Statement preamplifier and amplifier set, ND 555 network player and NAPS555-DR power supply.
“Our goal in bringing these speakers to KnowledgeFest is threefold,” said Nalaka Adikari, director of sales for Orca. “First, we want to create a memorable experience for attendees by providing the same listening session we present to select retailers on our Focal factory tours. Second, we want retailers to really understand Focal DNA and see how it is shared between the home and car product. And finally, we know that many retailers have affluent customers on the car side, and this may open an opportunity to satisfy those customers in their homes by offering Focal home products.”
If the Grand Utopia listening session is the main event, Focal’s high-end headphone line is the opening act. KnowledgeFest attendees will be able to hear the complete selection of headphones, from the $4,000 Utopia to the $299 Listen headphones.
The listening event is open only to registered KnowledgeFest attendees and will take place in Room C150 at the Dallas Convention Center during exhibit floor hours. Attendees must reserve seats for the 30-minute listening sessions, which take place at the top of each hour. However, the room is open to all attendees in between sessions, when visitors can listen to headphones and ask questions about the audiophile systems. Attendees can reserve online at https://mea-events.as.me/orcalistening.
For more information on KnowledgeFest, visit knowledgefest.org. For information on Orca products and represented brands, visit orca-design.com.
Based in Southern California for more than 30 years, Orca is a multi-faceted supplier of premium audio brands and components. Orca is the sole U.S. importer and distributor for Focal mobile audio and Gladen-Mosconi. With in-house design, engineering and manufacturing capabilities, Orca also produces quality products including Blackhole damping materials, Raven pure ribbon tweeters for pro audio applications, and Illusion Audio reference car speakers and subwoofers. For more information, visit our website at orcadesign.com.
CAMARILLO, CALIF., February 13, 2017 (MEDIAWIRE) – At the 2017 CES, Orca Design and Manufacturing recognized its best-performing sales representative firms at the company’s annual awards banquet, and presented two new retail awards to its top online and brick-and-mortar partners. The recognition was capped off at show’s end with the presentation of the Bill McKinley cup, an award named in honor of the beloved sales representative, father and husband who tragically passed away during the show.
Orca, sole U.S. distributor of Focal and North American distributor of the Illusion Audio, Gladen and Mosconi brands, presented awards to the most productive rep firms for each brand. Opus Marketing Group received the Rep Firm of the Year award for its performance with Illusion Audio. The sales group, led by Jamie White and Dan Mangan, supports retailers in metro and upstate New York as well as the Mid-Atlantic states.
Paragon Sales and Marketing, of which Bill McKinley was the rep principal, won Rep Firm of the Year for the Focal brand. Wayne Smedile has now assumed the rep principal position at Paragon and will continue to service Orca retailers in Southern California and Hawaii. And Marketing Pros took home two honors: Rep Firm of the Year for the Gladen and Mosconi brands, and Orca Rep Firm of the Year. Pete Daley and his team work with Orca retailers in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas.
In addition to brand-specific awards, Orca recognized Barton Sales and Marketing, which represents the company’s brands in the southeast, with a Most Improved Territory award. Car Toys, the Seattle-based chain of independent mobile electronics specialist outlets, was the first recipient of Orca’s Retailer of the Year award. Crutchfield.com, based in Charlottesville, Va., garnered the same award in the online retail category.
After the show, Orca also gave out the first of what will be an annual award for the rep firm that is most active and productive in supporting the company’s brands throughout CES. The commemorative cup, originally nicknamed the “MVP of CES” cup, was renamed for the principal of its first recipient, Paragon Sales and Marketing.
“While it is only fitting that we name the award after one of the industry’s most beloved reps, Paragon Sales and Marketing received the award this year based on its merits during the show,” said Orca President and Founder Kimon Bellas. “Bill and Wayne did a great job of bringing retailers in, showing our new products and making them feel part of the Orca family. We sincerely value the relationship we have with our reps and Paragon really represented us well.
About Orca Design and Manufacturing
Based in Southern California, Orca acts as importer/distributor, designer and manufacturer for a variety of notable brands. We are the sole U.S. distributor for Focal mobile audio, and import speakers by Gladen Audio of Germany and Italian-made Mosconi amplifiers. In addition, we design quality products under the Illusion Audio brand, and offer Blackhole damping materials and Raven pure ribbon tweeters for home and mobile installations alike. For more information, visit our website at orcadesign.com.
Commemorative Utopia-inspired speaker set celebrates the legacy of the Porsche 911
CAMARILLO, CALIF., April 28, 2023 (MEDIAWIRE) – ORCA Design and Manufacturing announced it is shipping the Focal Inside P60 Limited Edition, an exclusive speaker upgrade kit made for Porsche. The P60 represents a collaboration between Porsche and Focal to celebrate the legacy of the Porsche 911, which became the standard for ultimate automotive performance and luxury. The plug-and-play, drop-in speaker collection is designed specifically for late-model Porsche 911, Panamera, Cayenne and Taycan vehicles. Only 911 of the kits will be manufactured for worldwide distribution.
To create the P60 Limited Edition kit, Focal employed the technologies of its legacy Utopia component series: Beryllium tweeters, “W” sandwich composite woofer cone and the iconic speckled gray coloring. The drivers are enclosed in Zamak backets designed to fit into the factory-cut speaker openings on Porsche vehicles.
“We are honored to receive and make the commemorative P60 Limited Edition car kits available to retailers and automotive enthusiasts in North America,” said Nalaka Adikari, sales director for Orca. “Focal has always taken the approach of building for perfect sound without compromise. The company’s collaboration with Porsche, centered on the iconic 911, represents the perfect synergy of two brands that share the same mission.”
Each P60 Limited Edition kit consists of a pair of three-driver components (woofer, midrange and tweeter) plus an additional midrange for center-channel applications. The set comes in a beautiful walnut and leather made to fit perfectly into the trunk of a Porsche 911.
For more information, please visit mwi.re/focalp60. Retailers may contact their authorized Focal representative to order. Customers and clients can experience the P60 kit at their nearest authorized Focal Retailer. Please visit focal-america.com/dealer-locator.
Agreement grows retail network and exposure for Focal brand
CAMARILLO, CALIF., January 3, 2018 (MEDIAWIRE) – Orca Design and Manufacturing, provider of premium speaker and amplifier brands for the U.S. market, announced it has become a vendor partner with the Mobile Electronics Specialists of America (M.E.S.A.). The partnership enables M.E.S.A.’s retail membership to promote and sell speaker-centric Focal products in their locations.. In addition, it expands Orca’s retail network with more than 200 premium outlets around the country.
“This agreement is significant because our objective is to grow through partnerships with the right retailers and organizations,” said Kimon Bellas, president of Orca. “M.E.S.A. has successfully represented and supported its retail network, and the evidence is in the persistent growth shown by the members overall. Our current dealer network will also benefit from heightened consumer interest through increased exposure. We are excited to work with an expanded premier group of entrepreneurs and a class organization.”
Thirty-year distributor to represent premium brands across Canada
CAMARILLO, CALIF., March 30, 2020 (MEDIAWIRE) – Orca Design and Manufacturing has secured an agreement with 30-year distributor Trends Electronics to stock and sell a selection of its premium brands to retailers across Canada. Trends will be the exclusive supplier for Orca’s Illusion Audio, Gladen and Mosconi brands, as well as its Black Hole sound enhancement product line, throughout the country. The agreement provides an expanded footprint for Orca and gives Orca retailers in Canada a proven product resource and service provider.
“As a leader in Canadian wholesale distribution and going into our 30th Anniversary, Trends is extremely happy to announce this new partnership,” said Grant McFatter, national sales manager for the mobile division of Trends. “Trends Electronics has always carried best-in-class products for mobile, residential and commercial. The Mosconi, Gladen and Illusion Audio brands continue to add to our mix of world-class products for the specialty independent car audio retailers here in Canada.”
Trends will be one of the first to debut the newly designed Carbon series of speakers from Illusion Audio, including the just-shipped C8 component set which features a more shallow and narrow midbass basket to fit a higher number of applications. Also coming to Trends are the 2020 offerings from Gladen Mosconi, the most recent of which Is the Gladen Pico 6|8 six-channel amplifier with digital signal processing (DSP).
“We are pleased to bring Trends into the Orca family,” said Kimon Bellas, president of Orca. “Despite the unprecedented events we are all experiencing, we are confident that things will get back to normal and our north-of-the-border retailers will benefit from the extraordinary service that Trends provides.”
For information on Orca products and represented brands, visit orcadesign.com.
Based in Southern California for more than 30 years, Orca is a multi-faceted supplier of premium audio brands and components. Orca is the sole U.S. importer and distributor for Focal mobile audio and Gladen-Mosconi. With in-house design, engineering and manufacturing capabilities, Orca also produces quality products including Blackhole damping materials, Raven pure ribbon tweeters for pro audio applications, and Illusion Audio reference car speakers and subwoofers. For more information, visit our website at orcadesign.com.
CAMARILLO, CALIF., March 21, 2017 (MEDIAWIRE) – Orca Design and Manufacturing, North American distributor of upscale car audio brands, announced it has partnered with online reseller Crutchfield to offer the Illusion Audio brand, as well as components of the Mosconi brand, to visitors of crutchfield.com. The Charlottesville, Va.–based retailer known for its exemplary service and after-sale support now features the products on its website, which garners more than seven million visits per month.
"It's not an easy decision to take a line that was made by brick-and-mortar retailers into the online space," said Kimon Bellas, president and founder of Orca. "We have to take many things into consideration, most importantly that it does not negatively affect the retailers who proudly represent and sell our brands. Second is that any company we partner with must maintain the brand image we've cultivated. Crutchfield has shown that it is able to accomplish both requirements through strict pricing policy adherence as well as immersive customer service before and after the sale."
Crutchfield now lists the entire Illusion Audio line, a series of speakers and subwoofers engineered at Orca headquarters in Camarillo, Calif. Illusion Audio is designed to deliver "superior sound quality" in almost any vehicle application, without excessive emphasis on placement and space requirements. The line includes speaker sizes from 3 inches to 6-by-9 inches to fit most factory drop-in locations, as well as subwoofers with front-mounted magnets to decrease mounting depth requirements. MSRPs range from $170 for a pair of entry-level, 4-inch drivers to $1,150 for an 8-inch component set.
Mosconi is represented at crutchfield.com by two of its Gladen series premium power amplifiers. The D2 100.4 (MSRP $1,000.00) delivers 105 watts RMS into each of four channels. The companion D2 500.1 (MSRP $800) is a mono-block amplifier capable of 475 watts RMS through its single channel. Both amplifiers feature speaker-level inputs as well as high- and low-pass filtering.
"Overall, I think our dealers see our involvement with Crutchfield as a positive to their businesses,” said Orca Sales Director Nalaka Adikari. "The presence of products with a well-established and reputable online retailer works to expand brand awareness and improve customer confidence in the products. Crutchfield has done well with our Focal line alongside our brick-and-mortar retailers. We look forward to a mutually beneficial partnership with our in-house Illusion Audio brand and Mosconi."
Professionally managed distribution network to offer Illusion Audio, Black Hole brands
CAMARILLO, CALIF., July 25, 2019 (MEDIAWIRE) – Orca Design and Manufacturing, provider of high-end audio systems, components and accessories for the automotive aftermarket, announced it has partnered with the Elite Distributor Alliance (EDA), a member-owned network of mobile electronics distribution companies.
The 12 partners of the organization will have the opportunity to stock and distribute Orca’s in-house Illusion Audio and Black Hole brands, as well as the RC line of amplifiers from the Gladen Audio brand, to thousands of its authorized retailers throughout the U.S. The agreement provides Orca with a broadened base of professional retailers through a professionally managed conduit of progressive distributors.
“I have worked with the team at Orca Design for many years and believe the Illusion Audio product to not only be unique and well-built but extraordinary in sound quality,” said Nate Taliani of Davis Distribution in Newell, W. Va.
“The Illusion Audio products and Gladen amplifiers are extraordinary, but what further impresses me is the training and support Orca will deliver to our customers,” added Josh Eatherly from P&E Distributors in Nashville, Tenn.
Illusion Audio is imagined and engineered at Orca’s corporate headquarters in Camarillo, Calif., and is manufactured in India. The line consists of premium speaker sets such as the iconic Carbon C5 and C6 component sets, and the shallow-mount Carbon C10 and C12 subwoofers.
Black Hole features premium sound-dampening materials that eliminate noise and improve audio system efficiency, as well as OEM-grade tapes and surface protection materials specially designed for automotive installation. Orca is the exclusive U.S. importer for the German-engineered Gladen line of car audio products which includes more than 25 power amplifier SKUs with both MOSFET-based and Class D designs.
“I have known the team at Orca for many years,” said Jim Warren, executive director of the EDA. “While Orca’s passion for sound quality is second to none, they didn’t stop there. They thought deeply about the needs of the installer and their go-to-market strategy is thoroughly thought out. We are happy to finalize this agreement and bring Gladen and Illusion Audio to all of our dealers.”
“Our objective has always been to provide high-quality audio products to the automotive aftermarket, to be sold and installed by proactive, professional retailers,” said Kimon Bellas, president of Orca. “Our partnership with EDA joins two like-minded organizations with the goal of building business through smart, selective distribution and empowering retail and installation professionals with ongoing training and support.”
Orca will showcase the latest Illusion Audio, Black Hole and Gladen products at KnowledgeFest, August 9-11 at the Dallas Convention Center. For more information on KnowledgeFest, visit knowledgefest.org. For information on Orca products and represented brands, visit orca-design.com.
Started in 2015, the Elite Distributor Alliance consists of a group of mobile electronics distributors that collectively seek to improve the business of EDA distributors, vendors and retailers through a more organized and predictable business environment. For more information, please visit elitrdistributoralliance.com.
Based in Southern California for more than 30 years, Orca is a multi-faceted supplier of premium audio brands and components. Orca is the sole U.S. importer and distributor for Focal mobile audio and Gladen-Mosconi. With in-house design, engineering and manufacturing capabilities, Orca also produces quality products including Blackhole damping materials, Raven pure ribbon tweeters for pro audio applications, and Illusion Audio reference car speakers and subwoofers. For more information, visit our website at orcadesign.com.
Company to become exclusive U.S. distributor for iConnects
CAMARILLO, CALIF., July 8, 2020 (MEDIAWIRE) – Orca Design and Manufacturing announced it has agreed to become the exclusive U.S. provider of the iConnects line, and that products are available for shipment to Orca dealers. iConnects is a comprehensive selection of cables, power distribution systems and accessories that enable aftermarket car audio components to operate with maximum efficiently. The addition of iConnects positions Orca as a single-solution provider of premium audio products for OEM Integration and custom modification, along with the materials and components to optimize their performance.
The iConnects line comprises amplifier kits, audio interconnects, distribution blocks, fuse kits and bulk cable spools. All power wiring features the brand’s Pure Flow technology: 100-percent oxygen-free copper coated in tin for maximum conductivity and protection against corrosion. Interconnect offerings include flexible TosLink cable and nickel-plated RCAs with balanced, twisted-pair conductors. Amplifier kits come in hangable blister packaging, and other wiring kits are available on spools or in resealable bags that are ideal for storing remnants for later use.
“We’re incredibly pleased to bring yet another line of quality product to Orca dealers,” said Nalaka Adikari, sales director for Orca. “The iConnects line is an established premium upgrade from standard shop wiring and provides retailers with ‘show-and-sell’ packaging as well as bulk options for the bay. Plus, orders count toward our incentive programs which help our dealers stretch their purchasing dollars significantly.”
Orca dealers can contact their authorized Orca representatives for pricing and additional feature information. For information on Orca products and represented brands, visit orcadesign.com.
Based in Southern California for more than 30 years, Orca is a multi-faceted supplier of premium audio brands and components. Orca is the sole U.S. importer and distributor for Focal mobile audio and Gladen-Mosconi. With in-house design, engineering and manufacturing capabilities, Orca also produces quality products including Blackhole damping materials, Raven pure ribbon tweeters for pro audio applications, and Illusion Audio reference car speakers and subwoofers. For more information, visit our website at orcadesign.com.
Popular OEM upgrade line improved with slim component, coaxial
CAMARILLO, CALIF., January 31, 2022 (MEDIAWIRE) – ORCA Design and Manufacturing announced it is currently shipping the latest models of its popular Focal Auditor line. Rebranded Auditor EVO, the line adds two slim versions of its 6.5-inch component and coaxial speakers as well as a redesigned tweeter.
The 2022 Auditor EVO line consists of six coaxial kits ranging from 4 inches to 6x9 inches, along with three component kits in five-inch and 6.5-inch sizes. The inverted-dome tweeter in each has been redesigned with the stylish Focal logo in black and the component versions come with surface mount cups and flush-mount bezels.
The 6.5-inch ACX 165 coaxial and ASE 165 component set gain slimmer counterparts in the ACX 165S and ASE165S. The speaker depth is reduced by 25 percent thanks to a redesigned basket and magnet structure. The resulting technology maintains quality midbass performance while enabling fit into doors and panels with limited depth.
“Auditor has been a great addition to the Focal line, especially as more customers opt to perform value-focused upgrades to their factory systems,” said Nalaka Adikari, sales director for ORCA. “We’ve worked closely with Focal to bring new options to our retailers that fit more applications. The addition of shallow drivers let more drivers experience Focal’s superior audio performance.”
All models of the 2022 Auditor EVO line are currently shipping to authorized Focal retailers. For more information, please visit focal-america.com.
Based in Southern California for more than 30 years, Orca is a multi-faceted supplier of premium audio brands and components. Orca is the sole U.S. importer and distributor for Focal mobile audio and Gladen-Mosconi. With in-house design, engineering and manufacturing capabilities, Orca also produces quality products including Blackhole damping materials, Raven pure ribbon tweeters for pro audio applications, and Illusion Audio reference car speakers and subwoofers. For more information, visit our website at orcadesign.com.
Black Hole Mat is delivered in 11-square-foot, self-adhesive sheets measuring 20 inches by 79 inches. Its three components include butyl rubber and closed-cell damping foam with a shape-retaining aluminum layer. At only 4.5 millimeters in thickness, the sheets can easily be cut to size to fit behind door, dash or interior panels, with ample capability to stretch and form around irregular surfaces without heating.
“Our retailers told us they wanted a complete solution that they can access through their existing dealer programs,” said ORCA Sales Director Nalaka Adikari. “For the past year we have really worked to create it with the Black Hole line, most recently adding Black Hole Tape. The addition of Black Hole Mat is yet another step in helping Orca dealers deliver better sound-damping performance to their customers.”
To see the complete Black Hole line, visit blackhole-america.com. For information on Orca products and represented brands, visit orcadesign.com.
About Orca Design and Manufacturing
Based in Southern California for more than 30 years, Orca is a multi-faceted supplier of premium audio brands and components. Orca is the sole U.S. importer and distributor for Focal mobile audio and Gladen-Mosconi. With in-house design, engineering and manufacturing capabilities, Orca also produces quality products including Blackhole damping materials, Raven pure ribbon tweeters for pro audio applications, and Illusion Audio reference car speakers and subwoofers. For more information, visit our website at orcadesign.com.
Gladen ATM replaces speaker terminal to create a powered subwoofer enclosure
CAMARILLO, CALIF., April 12, 2021 (MEDIAWIRE) – Orca Design and Manufacturing announced it is shipping the Gladen ATM, a single-channel power amplifier that is designed to fit within a subwoofer enclosure. The ATM (Active Terminal Module) replaces the enclosure’s standard 78mm circular speaker terminal with a 200-watt mono amplifier, measuring just under five inches deep and available in two- or four-ohm versions. This innovative design allows retailers to internally amplify any pre-built or custom sub enclosure and offer a versatile, active low-end solution.
The control surface of the Gladen ATM features a high-quality Molex® connector for power, ground and audio inputs, alongside a button that selects between low- and speaker-level input. The ATM automatically detects signal input to turn it on and off. The built-in, low-pass filter lets the installer match the output of the ATM to the subwoofer and enclosure with variable volume and crossover adjustment between 50 and 120Hz. An optional subwoofer volume control (Model RTC-2; sold separately) can be plugged into the ATM and mounted within the driver’s reach.
“In light of the drastic product shortages, retailers are struggling to build personalized audio experiences for their customers,” said Nalaka Adikari, sales director for Orca. “Bass is usually the first audio enhancement customers look for, and the ATM lets retailers bring life and vibrancy to factory audio playback by adding low end with a single component that can be removed when storage space is needed.”
Both versions of the Gladen ATM (GA-ATM2Ohm and GA-ATM4Ohm) have a suggested retail price of $349. For information on Orca products and represented brands, visit orcadesign.com.
Based in Southern California for more than 30 years, Orca is a multi-faceted supplier of premium audio brands and components. Orca is the sole U.S. importer and distributor for Focal mobile audio and Gladen-Mosconi. With in-house design, engineering and manufacturing capabilities, Orca also produces quality products including Blackhole damping materials, Raven pure ribbon tweeters for pro audio applications, and Illusion Audio reference car speakers and subwoofers. For more information, visit our website at orcadesign.com.
Alexandra Gladen assumes CEO role, retains strong management team
CAMARILLO, CALIF., January 25, 2017 (MEDIAWIRE) – Orca Design and Manufacturing, sole North American importer of Gladen Audio products, is pleased to welcome Alexandra Gladen as the new CEO of Gladen Europe. She takes over following the untimely passing of her husband and company founder Henning Gladen late last year. Her appointment, along with the strong leadership of managers Judith Zimmerman and Mario Kugler, ensures a continued commitment to the quality manufacturing and innovation for which the company is best known.
“Henning was a friend and a visionary, and he will be missed,” said Kimon Bellas, president and owner of Orca. “And yet, part of his genius was in surrounding himself with a great team. He empowered his people to infuse their own creativity and experience into the products we all enjoy. I have full faith that, even in his absence, the company he started will grow and evolve.”
The Gladen product evolution was in evidence at the Orca Design suite during the 2017 CES. Orca showcased the four new processors from the company’s Mosconi brand: the Gladen DSP 6to8 and 8to12 Aerospace, and the Gladen DSP 6to8 and 8to12 Pro. The 8to12 Aerospace is currently available; the remainder will ship in first quarter.
Alexandra will take counsel from Zimmerman, who serves as deputy general manager for the brand, as well as Kugler, who oversees product and technical development. The duo will continue to manage the day-to-day operations at the company’s Walddorfhäslach, Germany headquarters.
About Gladen
Gladen Europe GMBH manufactures some of the world’s finest audio components using technologies from the aerospace and automotive industries to ensure no-compromise quality and long-term reliability. The company complements its speaker offerings through distribution of Mosconi amplifiers and digital signal processors. For more information, visit gladen.com.
About Orca Design and Manufacturing
Based in Southern California, Orca acts as importer/distributor, designer and manufacturer for a variety of notable brands. We are the sole U.S. distributor for Focal mobile audio, and import speakers by Gladen Audio of Germany and Italian-made Mosconi amplifiers. In addition, we design quality products under the Illusion Audio brand, and offer Blackhole damping materials and Raven pure ribbon tweeters for home and mobile installations alike. For more information, visit our website at orcadesign.com.
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