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SounDigital USA is excited to reintroduce a legend in the car audio industry

DANIA BEACH, Fla. -- SounDigital USA is excited to reintroduce a legend in the car audio industry. After years (and years and years and years) of being asked, SounDigital has decided it needed to step back into the realm of High End Car Audio, and bring back the legendary GaN amplifier.

This new series of amplifiers is a step up from the previous iteration, and will provide dealers with a much more versatile solution for their clients. SounDigital is doing things a bit different with this line, and that is making a product exclusive to select car audio retailers. It is important to understand why GaN is different, why it is going to be used specifically in an automotive application, and why this product is not being put into application in the powersports world.

This is why the team at SounDigital USA has decided to introduce the product to all retailers at KnowledgeFest Dallas, and focus their training time to let car audio retailers know why this product is special. 

If you are a car audio retailer attending KnowledgeFest Dallas, make sure to swing by the booth when the floor opens, and make sure you attend the training on Saturday Evening, to get the real scoop on GaN. For more information about SounDigital, please visit or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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