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Arc Audio Moves to Secure Assets

July 17, 2019 -- As our customers know, the product engineering team at ARC Audio is always working on new proprietary and sophisticated product designs that deliver world-class performance and features. Our efforts to protect these designs is paramount to ensure we offer our partner retailers and their customer's solutions that are unmatched in the mobile electronics industry.

As you may have seen in social media, there has been a sudden interest in Area 51 in Nevada. Known officially as Homey Airport, Area 51 is located 83 miles north-northwest of Las Vegas on the Nevada California border and is considered one of the US Governments most secretive of installations.

As of July 17, more than 1.5 million people have confirmed their intention to storm Area 51 and the surrounding areas with another 1.2 million expressing interest in the event.

With the sudden and significant interest in Area 51 and the surrounding areas, ARC Audio has been forced to implement its most extreme contingency plan to date. ARC Audio will commence the immediate extraction its newest product from its relative facilities in this affected area immediately. In the interest of security of our intellectual properties and new product designs, this new pre-production product of only 10 units in this secretive inventory is to be disassembled and distributed throughout the country to select locations to ensure that no single person, persons or entity will have access to our latest and greatest amplifier technologies.

Caution – if you encounter one of these ten units, exercise extreme caution. Do not under any circumstances open any crates or packaging. If you do so, you do so at your own risk. Please use exercise extreme caution in terms of high amplitude sound level protection at a safe distance. ARC Audio can not be held responsible for unauthorized interaction with the contents of these packages.

We thank all of our retail partners for their support in executing this contingency plan with as much efficiency and diplomacy as possible during these troubled times. We regret that the unwanted attention to the Area 51 region has forced our hand in taking these drastic steps to ensure we can continue to deliver the same quality products and service ARC Audio has been known for without other manufacturers cloning our projects.

Yours in Faith,

The ARC Audio Project Development Team

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