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Pearl Announces Partnership with InstallerNet

Provides Professional Installation Option for RearVision Customers; Leverages InstallerNet’s Network of Over 2,500 Verified Installers Located Throughout the United States  

LAS VEGAS (CES) - January 4, 2017 - Pearl Automation Inc. (Pearl), announced a new partnership with InstallerNet. Through the company’s nationwide network of certified technicians, Pearl customers will now have a convenient alternative for installation, setup and product demonstration.

Pearl’s first product RearVision, the only wireless automotive backup camera and intelligent alert system, can be self-installed in minutes, but some consumers prefer to have the system installed professionally. This partnership provides Pearl customers with the option of using InstallerNet’s vast network of certified installers distributed across the United States and expands its customer reach for both current and future products.

“While most people can install RearVision in minutes, there are those who are not comfortable adding new technology to their vehicle by themselves,” said Bryson Gardner, co-founder and CEO of Pearl. “This partnership with InstallerNet will provide our customers with the best installation option for their comfort level with both RearVision and future products.”

“Pearl is pushing the boundaries in the automotive aftermarket to provide important technologies to all cars on the road today,” said Tony Frangiosa, president and CEO of InstallerNet. “We look forward to working directly with RearVision customers and to help Pearl on its mission of providing every driver on the road today with the latest technology.”  

Pearl RearVision, and its latest feature Cross Traffic, which is a first for the automotive aftermarket, will be on display in the InstallerNet booth (3607) at CES in Las Vegas this January  5-8, 2017. 

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