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PC Mag -- Speculation about whether Apple will build a vehicle has been a favorite topic of conversation in the tech and auto worlds all year. It’s also dominated the news at some auto shows, without Apple being present.

The rumors have been fanned by comments from Apple execs, the company hiring hundreds of automotive engineers and a meeting with BMW officials to tour its i3 electric car factory In May, it was revealed that Apple made inquiries into using GoMentum Station, a 5,000-acre former Navy weapons station east of San Francisco that’s now a secure testing facility for autonomous and connected vehicles.

Last week, meanwhile, it was discovered that Apple senior legal counsel Mike Maleticmet with the California DMV to review “autonomous vehicle regulations.” Then on Monday,The Wall Street Journal reported that Apple’s car efforts were now a “committed project” with an eye on a 2019 ship date.

Taken together, this all clearly points to Apple entering the auto industry in some capacity beyond CarPlay and infotainment. Apple has move into other markets before, from portable music players to smartphones, only to redefine and dominate them. Entering the auto industry is complex and expensive (though if anyone can afford it, Apple can), but here are three reasons why the company has picked a perfect time to do it.

1. Technology is transforming automotive

Almost from the beginning, automakers have sold vehicles mainly based on horsepower, utility, convenience, and in some cases sex appeal. But that’s changing. Since vehicles within a given segment have largely reached a level of parity on features such as performance, fuel economy, and safety, technology has become more of a deciding factor for consumers. People actually pick a vehicle based on whether it works with their smartphone, or at the very least based their satisfaction with tech features, as J.D. Power surveys have shown. With Apple’s tech and design expertise, an iCar could be a compelling choice for its legions of fans as well as many consumers.

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