DANIA BEACH, Fla. -- HKI USA, the US importer for SounDigital Amplifiers, Ground Zero Car Audio, Four Connect Wiring Products, and Tury Vehicle Enhancement products, announced new distribution channels for the Mid-Atlantic Territory.
Davis Distribution Systems, and long time member of the HKI USA family, has been asked to take on a new roll as the distribution partner for the Mid-Atlantic Territory. “I look forward to working with all the Davis Distribution Team and above all supporting all our Retail Partners with our HKI USA Brands” states Elias Ventura, Territory Manager for the Mid-Atlantic. This addition expands Davis’ coverage to include MD, VA, DC, DE & East PA, from the existing WV, OH, TN, KY and West PA territory
As part of this expansion, Davis has also started working with Tury Automotive Enhancement Products from HKI USA, giving their dealers access to some cool new security and convenience products.
For more information about our brand(s) and our growing family, please visit http://www.hki-usa.com or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
DANIA BEACH, Fla. -- HKI USA, the US importer for SounDigital Amplifiers, Ground Zero Car Audio, Four Connect Wiring Products, and Tury Vehicle Enhancement products, announced a new Representative for Hawaii
There have been a lot of exciting changes going on with HKI USA, and they are pleased to announce a new member of the team. Coleen Matsumura and Paradise Marketing, Inc have chosen to take on the task of building the HKI USA brands in Hawaii.
“We are excited to have Coleen aboard with us on the islands. She has strong relationships with her dealers and an amazing understanding of her market which she has shown already since partnering with us at HKI,” said Tommy Spears, Director of Sales with HKI USA.
Look for her in her travels, and keep an eye out for what great things happen on the islands.
For more information about our brand(s) and our growing family, please visit http://www.hki-usa.com or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
DANIA BEACH, Fla. -- November 8, 2022 – Reinventing the wheel is always hard, but updating the new wheel is even harder. SounDigital saw an opportunity to do away with the old and bring something totally new to the table. With a slightly larger footprint than its predecessor, the all new 1000.1 EVOX2 is going to be a new fan favorite. Things that could not be done with the 800.1 EVOX are now on the table with this new amplifier. Adding an RLC port to make it compatible with the SounDigital Remote Level Control and being able to expand the frequency range of the amplifier are in direct response to the list of wants provided to SounDigital by their customers and retailers.
“We were up against a wall with what the old chassis was capable of, and we knew we needed to make a change,” said Jacob Brown, Director of Operations for HKI USA Inc., the US importer for SounDigital. “We kept getting asked for things the 800.1 just wasn’t capable of doing, and when the answer was always ’there isn’t enough room', we knew what the next step was going to be.” With the help of the entire SounDigital engineering team, these changes were put into effect, and the 1000.1 EVOX2 was born.
Available in traditional SounDigital fashion, this amplifier will be available in 1 and 2 ohm configurations, which is also a twist over the 800.1.
MSRP will be U$499.99 for both versions and is expected to be available before the end of November.
For more information about HKI USA, the brands we love and how to become a dealer, please visit www.hki-usa.com.
DANIA BEACH, Fla. - HKI USA, the US importer for SounDigital Amplifiers, Ground Zero Car Audio, Four Connect Wiring Products, and Tury Vehicle Enhancement products, announced a new Representative for New England and New York.
As brands grow, building a team that can support the passion and love for the products and this industry is important. Who better to grow a brand than MEA’s 2022 Rep Firm of the Year, The 12-Volt Specialist.
The addition of Lord Phil Chartier brings some new excitement to the territory, with a deep rooted member of this industry. "I look forward to helping the existing HKI dealers with any of their needs, and have a positive outlook that new dealers will be successful and profitable with the HKI brands in both New England and NY" says Lord Phil as he takes the reins of the newly combined territory for HKI USA.
For more information about our brand(s) and our growing family, please visit http://www.hki-usa.com or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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