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Cerwin-Vega Mobile recently conducted its “Legion of Boom” training seminar at KnowledgeFest 2015 held in Indianapolis, Ind. Industry veteran Larry Frederick, head of New Product Development for Cerwin-Vega Mobile, held court as he provided a complete product overview of Cerwin-Vega Mobile’s latest product offerings and technologies. The “Legion of Boom” training also covered the basics of car audio physics and how to get the most out of any car audio equipment and system designs to achieve maximum SPL levels and superior sound quality output.

“Training is crucial in today’s highly competitive retail environment. From the experienced to new dealers just starting out in our industry, it is imperative that they take advantage of manufacturer’s trainings to fine-tune their product knowledge and be able to learn new things about the constantly changing technologies so they will be prepared. Consumers these days are doing a lot more research due to the abundance of resources that are conveniently made available to them so it is important that our dealers are well-prepared and trained to provide the proper information to close a deal,” adds Larry Frederick. Vega Nation’s Eric Balmart from B’s Car Stereo just outside of Cleveland, Ohio won himself a VEGA series 15” subwoofer (V152DV2) at the “Legion of Boom” training. B’s Car Stereo has been part of the Vega Nation for approximately 10 years and continues to deliver the BOOM in the surrounding Cleveland market.
John Harden from Auto Solutions in Concord, NC made the trek all the way to Indianapolis, IN and was chosen as the winner of the VEGA series V1000.1D amplifier. Auto Solutions recently joined the VEGA Nation last year and is servicing the Concord and greater Charlotte, N.C. market.


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