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Union Leader -- Granite State small business owners got a crash course recently on how to use Facebook as a tool advertising, hosted by reps from the Silicon Valley-based social network.
Missing from the event were representatives and any mention of the other advertising vehicles that Facebook and other social media have challenged in the digital age, including print, radio and television.
U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., was on hand to help kick off the event held at Nashua Community College on June 30, which drew more than 300 attendees from around the state and was sponsored by the Business and Industry Association.
Shaheen, who serves as the top Democrat on the Senate’s Small Business Committee, said the seminar would be a boost to New Hampshire’s small business community, which accounts for 96 percent of the state’s employers.
“Two-thirds of the jobs that are created come from small businesses, so making sure that we support your efforts to grow, to expand, to be successful, are paramount to what I’m doing in Washington and what the state of New Hampshire is trying to do,” she said.
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