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Omega R&D Now Shipping New Deluxe Keyless Entry System

Douglasville, Georgia – September 28, 2017 – Omega Research & Development Technologies, Inc. is now shipping the new EXCALIBUR branded KE-170 Deluxe Keyless Entry System. This keyless entry system has programmable features like Passive Lock, Auto Re-Lock, Ignition Lock/Unlock, Confirmation Chirp and Anti-CarJacking capability. The hardware has been built with features like Driver’s Door Priority, Trunk Release, Starter Interrupt Output, Built-in Domelight Supervision Relay, Positive & Negative Parking Light Outputs, Push Button LED/Valet Combo, and Negative Horn Honk Output.

The systems comes packaged with two unique remotes, one is a slime 4-button design with an elegant metal frame and the second is an OEM design that resembles some of the most popular factory remotes. Both remotes have clear pictograms on each button for easy operation. The system is built to provide many years or worry free operation and if there is ever an issue the KE-170 is covered by a lifetime warranty.

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For more information on Omega’s car security, keyless entry and remote start product lines, please visit,,, and Don’t forget to follow us at and @omegaresearch on instagram.


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