8-24-2016 -- Luckily for our industry, most mobile electronics dealers are not in the stone age and actually have a website. However, most are severely lacking in the ‘compelling call to action’ part…you know, the part that actually gets a customer through the door.
There is no doubt that a beautifully designed and crafted website showing your facility gives your business credibility. But credibility does not get potential clients into the store where you should be closing! In fact, an uber-fancy website may even turn some potential customers off… 'That place put a lot of money into their website. They are showing me photos of fancy audio equipment and I have no idea what it does. Why do they need a welder and CNC machine to install a car stereo? But Cheap Stereos R Us down the street is advertising a $99 stereo. I’ll go to him. He must be cheaper.’ We have to get them into OUR STORES to prove cheaper is not better and in most cases is more expensive in the long run.
Del Ellis of Del Ellis International is excited to announce his new website services that are specifically designed to get your clients into the store- not just to your site. Expensive SEO is great. But that is only half the battle. Once they land on your site, potential clients then need to be convinced or have a compelling reason to come in. Ellis states “I love the fact the SEO or ‘Search Engine Optimization’ gets people to my client’s website, but what is quite disturbing to me are those fancy websites do not get people into my client’s stores!” Ellis continues “All I see is a bunch of ‘show and tell’ and just like in your store…‘show and tell’ doesn’t sell!” It’s great that your shop flaunts a new fabrication area, a CNC machine, and floors so clean the local hospital would use it as an operating facility. But showing these things is half the battle. We need a 'compelling call to acton' to get the customer into the store. We need to prove to the customer our shop’s features are a necessity for getting installations done efficiently, cleanly, and correctly the first time. Because, after all, wouldn’t you agree that your client’s time is worth a lot?
They do too. For more information on how Del Ellis International can get more client’s into your store through your website or get more calls, contact them at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone: 559-259-2932.
3-6-2017 -- Del Ellis produced a short series of educational videos to make the case for attending KnowledgeFest Spring 2017.
Click on video below to view part 1 of that series:
In this Episode we will learn the 1st Pillar to Great Achievement which is D.E.S.I.R.E.! Without it, it just won't happen for you! Those who would like more ...
3-14-2017 -- Del Ellis produced a short series of educational videos to make the case for attending KnowledgeFest Spring 2017.
Click on the video below to view part 3 of the series:
3-6-2017 -- Del Ellis produced a short series of educational videos to make the case for attending KnowledgeFest Spring 2017.
Click on the video below to view part 2 of the series:
Free webinar training sessions intended to provide fresh sales start for owners and staff
CLOVIS, CALIF., October 24, 2018 (MEDIAWIRE)– Del Ellis International, professional sales and business training company specializing in retail profitability solutions, announced it would hold a series of special training sessions for mobile electronics retail stores that were adversely affected by the hurricanes that ravaged the southeastern United States. The "Back in the Saddle" webinar sessions will be offered to locations that have lost a week or more of productivity due to hurricane damage.
Del Ellis, founder and president of Del Ellis International, decided on the trainings to give affected storeowners and their staffs a positive start following their forced renovations and repairs.
"Whenever we’re struck with some form of trauma or tragedy, it’s human nature that, even as we recover or rebuild, we take a breather and evaluate the big picture," said Ellis. "This is the time when we want to really be objective to see what’s been working and what hasn’t. It’s the perfect time for these retailers and their staffs to consider and learn new approaches, techniques and tactics to their customer interaction, so they can resume business with a new energy."
Affected retailers may request the free trainings by contacting Del Ellis International at (559) 825-2100 orThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information about Del Ellis International, please visit delellisintl.com.
Del Ellis International takes a “no prisoners” approach to retail sales and business management. Principal Del Ellis leverages 25 years as a retail storeowner as well as countless hours of study to teach both core selling principles and situational techniques to hundreds of professionals worldwide. A teacher and motivator, Del is a highly sought-after speaker and presenter with workshops that focus on making an immediate impact on close rates, profitability and revenue. The company’s “Sell Like a Carnivore” training series is credited by attendees with providing almost-instant and long-term sales increases, despite economic and geographic factors. Del Ellis International conducts online webinars and on-location workshops for managers and sales associates, one-on-one or in groups. To find out more about Del Ellis International, call (559) 825-2100 or emailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The 30th annual SBN / in.car.EXPO is set for March 19-20, 2016 at the Ocean Center, 101 North Atlantic Avenue in Daytona Beach, Florida. The Leading Mobile Electronics Manufacturers, Rep Firms, Dealers and Distributors along with the leading Sound Competition Organizations and their Competitors from all over the country will be present at the industry’s longest running Mobile Electronics Expo, the Spring Break Nationals / in.car.EXPO.
A change of floorplan will bring New and returning Manufacturers, Custom Show Car, Sound Quality Competition Vehicles and Dealer Vehicle Displays to the 100,000 square foot Exhibit Hall. This group will occupy the NEW SQ Zone. “We want to represent what this industry is really all about to Consumers and Dealers as well” said SBN Founder Paul Papadeas. “We have simply got to demonstrate the steps beyond what’s offered by OEM.” The Exhibit Hall will provide a much quieter environment of Mobile Electronics Entertainment, Convenience and Safety Equipment Displays.
On the other side of the Main Lobby, SBN EXPO creates the exclusive DEMO ZONE. “With PRO AUDIO SPL Systems trending”, said Papadeas, “we decided to dedicate the entire Ocean Center Arena to PRO AUDIO SPL Manufacturer’s Displays and will sign on up to 80 Consumer and Dealer DEMO Vehicles; these guys will finally have the opportunity to show off and virtually “PLAY ALL DAY”.
On the educational front, Auto Sound Dealers east of the Mississippi will have a great opportunity to attend two distinct and in-depth, Mobile Electronics Industry Specific Sales Training Sessions with Del Ellis. The first one; “Creating More Profitable Sales” and the other; “How to Get People Off the Telephone and into Your Shop”. “I’m very fortunate; I have been able to help some of the best stores in the industry,” said Ellis, “I share my 22 years of retail store ownership and teach with a full blown focus on sales techniques to Combat Internet Sales and Pricing and How to End Profit Erosion While Increasing Profitability. More information on the seminars is available at www.delellisintl.com
“It’s an honor and a privilege to host our 30th annual event.” says Papadeas, “we’ve found the formula to promote our industry’s best technology and teach consumers and trade participants what they need to know.” For what you want to know about participating in this milestone event, please visit www.springbreaknationals.com. For exhibit information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 386 767 3030.
Interested in getting free registration for the upcoming KnowledgeFest in Indianapolis? Then here are some questions to help you decide:
What are you doing to help your cause?
In the early 1990s the Internet was just becoming popular and a man with a vision left his job and home in New York to map out his course that would change consumer purchasing forever.
What did the man do after he moved away from New York?
There was a trade show for all “Book Store” owners and he drove himself for this four-day “INDEPENDENT TRADE SHOW” to learn how to become better at what he was planning on doing. Topics included “Selecting Opening Inventory” and “Inventory Management”. In the mean time, his associate was learning other aspects of the business to build one of the most successful teams in US history and with a threadbare budget.
Who was the man and what was the name of his business?
Before I answer you let me ask you this, between who the man is and what the man did to become successful, what’s most important? If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you'll achieve the same results.
- Tony Robbins
You see you have before an outstanding opportunity to do what the man I am talking about did! We have some of the best trainers in the field of car audio coming together to help you to learn to become better at what you are planning on doing!
We have people like Jason Kranitz, Micah Williams, Mike Bartells, Eric Carter, John Schwartz, Ken Ward, Harry Lichtman, Bryan Schmidt and of course yours truly. You have manufacturers wanting to invest their time and energy on how to make your facility better and more profitable, and yet you look for or make excuses not to go!
By the way, the man Tony Robbins is talking about above is Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon.com.
Based on all the above info, you ask, "Del, what should we do?" The answer is, I would beg, borrow or do whatever it takes to get yourself and your staff underneath the teaching of these great leaders in our independent industry which we all love so much and come learn the secrets like Jeff Bezos learned in the early 1990s.
Now, as promised, here's what you do to get your FREE registration: 1. Go to http://bit.ly/KF4Free. 2. Fill in your contact information. Be sure to enter your title under 'Registrant Title.' 3. Under 'Exhibitor Name,' select the vendor you're most excited to see at KnowledgeFest Spring Training. 4. Under 'Registration Classification,' select 'I am a VIP retailer invited by an exhibitor.' 5. Click Registration Confirmation and that's it! You'll receive a confirmation in your email.
We look forward to helping you in Indianapolis at our own Independent Trade Show on April 11th-13th 2015.
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