Nashville, TN - April 5th, 2024 - The Mobile Electronics Certified Professional Program (MECP) has launched a new App to purchase new courses, view courses and exams already purchased and progress through them for certification right from their mobile device. While the courses and purchase process has always been possible through these devices, a native app provides a better experience with viewing the content and the user experience than using a mobile browser in most cases. The Apps are available now in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.
The Apps offer all of the same tools and content that the website courses have, but add new tools like study reminders, a stats page to view your real-time progress in your courses, and a resources page to jump quickly to your MECP Profile, the Career Finder, and the Verification pages on the site. Any courses you have already purchased and have access to in your online account are already in your App once you have signed in, and you can pick up your mobile device after working on the computer and pick up right where you left off.
"We’ve had a lot of requests for creating an App to be able to use on phones and tablet, and since our primary objective with the program is to make education and certification easier to access and easier to accomplish, it made sense for us to deliver this." said Kris Bulla, MECP president. “One barrier we had to figure out was overcoming the inflated costs charged by Apple and Android to sell through the app stores. We were creatively unique creative in how built the apps, to allow you to view any courses you have purchased on our site for our normal price, without having to purchase them in-App at the higher prices required on their platforms. You can purchase courses on our site, and they will be available on your app immediately, and you can get to that page on our site via a button on the Stats page in the app. It is the best solution we could provide while complying with their rules and imitations of in-App purchases.”
For more information, visit the download the apps or contact the MECP team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
4/7/2016, Euractiv -- The European Commission is pushing local authorities to digitise cities and make them more efficient—one radical plan bubbling up could minimise the number of cars on city streets.
The EU executive has funded research projects and set up a working group to pin down strategies that will help boost so-called smart cities in Europe, a term used to describe the move towards digital city infrastructure.
The Commission is especially encouraging cities to use technology to make energy and transport services more efficient.
A project slated to start later this year in Finland could create an app that would help Helsinki residents to map out routes using multiple modes of transport, including walking, public transport, taxis and bicycle and car sharing programmes. The app will also sell flat-rate subscriptions so that people can travel in the city with whatever combination of transport means they choose—and only pay once.
Sampo Hietanen, CEO of the MaaS app, or mobility as a service, calls the idea a kind of Netflix for transport and says it “could give a true alternative to owning a car”.
Hietanen wants the app to eventually work in cities across Europe so people can use it when they travel. The next cities he’s eyeing to get on the app include Manchester, Berlin, Antwerp and Ghent.
Legislation set to go into effect next year to slash roaming charges for mobile phone users within the EU could help the app draw users as it expands.
“I think that was one of the best decisions the EU ever did. So now you can start planning new types of services,” Hietanen said of the roaming regulation.
Read the rest of the story here:
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