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Montebello, CA April 15, 2016 – Epsilon Electronics, Inc. welcomes Amber Omran as National Sales Manager to our sister brands NESA and VST. Both brands focus on manufacturing audio and visual electronics to the automotive industry and provide a lot of the high quality products that Epsilon is proud of providing.

Amber is “…really excited about this new venture and opportunity. My goal here is to team up with our sales reps and customers to bring brand awareness to NESA and VST.” Having worked in manufacturing and as a sales rep, she brings a unique skill set to the table understanding both sides of the equation. Furthermore Amber believes that “Processes lead to efficiency and efficiencies lead to growth.”

VST holds a strong reputation as one of the leading manufacturers in the mobile video industry for their maximum information display systems and advanced technological products. VST products are engineered to simplify all aspects of the mobile video industry without sacrificing quality. 


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