New York Times -- Brian Wilcox, 30, is a customer service specialist for K40 Electronics, in Elgin, Ill.
Q. What do you do at your company?
A. We sell car radar- and laser-detection devices to dealers. After a customer buys a device from a dealer and registers it, he or she can call me directly for follow-up questions about installation, operation or anything else.
How does one train for that?
I started in sales at the age of 20 in Naples, Fla., selling luxury cars. K40 hired me five years ago to do inside sales. But since I have dyslexia, which was first diagnosed when I was in fourth grade, written communication has been a lifelong challenge for me. Peggy Finley, the owner and C.E.O., said, “Now we’re aware of what you can’t do. So let’s give all those tasks to someone else and find things you can do that we need done.” They created a whole new position retrofitted for my skills.
How do you get around dyslexia on the job?
I’m an excellent listener and communicator. I also have a really good memory. I’m great at putting voices together with people’s history if they call back. K40’s staff is small enough to work like a team — some have worked here 20 or 30 years — so I feel everyone has my back, as I have theirs. In difficult situations I know I can turn to the team for help, but I’m fully empowered to do whatever is necessary to fulfill the end user’s needs. Siri also makes for a great secretary.
Read the rest of the story here:
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