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Automotive IT -- Despite greater focus on digital technologies throughout the auto industry, carmakers are  still struggling with digitalization, according to a new study.

The study, conducted by management consultants Batten & Company, found that the auto industry lags behind most other industry sectors in the implementation of digital technologies.

For their research, the consultants developed a so-called “digital automotive index” that measures 70 factors. They then compared the pressure from customers, suppliers and competitors to digitize with the actual degree of digitalization in the industry.

According to the study, only Mercedes-Benz, VW and BMW scored well in the study. Land Rover and Kia were at the bottom of the 20-brand ranking.

“All are talking about digitalization, but many managers aren’t focusing on what is essential: What does an automaker need in concrete terms to address in a targeted and solution-oriented way the growing digitalization pressure ,” said Tobias Goebbel, Batten managing partner.

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