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Mobile Electronics dealers are being offered a promotion for their customers through SiriusXM.  Consumers who purchase eligible tuner models will receive a $70 Mail-In Rebate after activation of the tuner. The eligible tuner models are SXV300V1, SXV300B, SXV200V1, SXV200B, Alpine CDESXM145BT or CDE124SXM2 (which include either the SXV200 or SXV300 tuner in the box). The $70 Mail-In Rebate offer runs from May 15th through December 31st, 2015. Tuners must be purchased from eligible retailers to qualify and be activated with a Select or greater subscription package.

In addition to the $70 Mail-In Rebate offer SiriusXM will offer the customer 3 Months Free of programming when they activate the All Access package on their tuner. The combined savings for the customer is over $140.

The theme of the campaign is called 2 Ways 2 Save. This promotion provides unique promotional opportunities for 12volt specialty retailers.

SiriusXM will provide a selection of attention grabbing digital assets and in-store point of purchase items to highlight the $70 Mail-In Rebate program plus 3 months free.  

The SXV300 Tuner by SiriusXM is compatible with over 2 million SiriusXM-Ready in-dash receivers in the marketplace and attaches easily with one plug. Attach a tuner to your next in-dash receiver sale. After The Mail-In rebate it will be FREE to the customer plus could provide additional revenue on the installation. For more information go to

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