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It’s been over two decades since 12-volt expert Chuck McLennan has been able to call himself a Stillwater Designs employee, but he never lost his fondness for the mobile-audio manufacturer. After 23 years of gaining experience and prowess at several reputable marketing and sales companies, McLennan is returning to where he started his audio career as the new KICKER Channel-Development Specialist.

“We have found our ‘tall-order’ man,” said Charlie Schultz, KICKER Vice President of Marketing and Product Planning

His homecoming to KICKER will have him working to increase sales and build product awareness of the Vehicle-Specific Solutions (VSS™) line across the country.

McLennan’s interest was a stroke of luck for the Sales team, who had a big role to fill. Finding an individual with automotive and sales experience, an extensive knowledge of all car audio and the ability to test equipment seemed nearly impossible until McLennan’s name came across Schultz’s desk. Back in 1988 when McLennan began working with KICKER product as a Technical Representative, he was able to have his hands in various areas of the business. He helped build and maintain demo vehicles, trained dealers and traveled to many trade shows.

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