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The Car Audio Championship is pleased to announce that Alphard Sound Technology will be the Title Sponsor for this year’s unified finals event.

The Alphard Company was founded in 2000 in Poland and specializes in professional and car audio system amplifiers and accessories. This emerging company has earned many awards for technology over the past several years and is geared towards enthusiasts who want pure, high quality sound. The company is headquartered in Russia and offers worldwide distribution.

The Alphard Company has multiple levels of products that range from high end to the affordable daily driver type products. Brands include Alphard Sound Technology, Deaf Bounce, Hannibal and Machete products lines. All products are manufactured with high quality components and comply with international standards. The company prides itself on meeting the individual needs of the client.

To learn more about Alphard Sound Technology, visit:

Event Details:

October 17-18, 2015

Von Braun Center

Huntsville, AL

For more information on the Unified Car Audio Championship, including event info, booth space availability and registrations, contact Celise Harris (dB Drag) atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Steve Stern (MECA) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or Moe Sabourin (IASCA) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

December 27, 2016, Daytona Beach, Fla. -- In response to requests from SBN participants that has been resonating for years, the IASCA 2017 Season Kickoff, will take place at the Daytona International Speedway.

Held in conjunction with the Spring Turkey Run Car Show March 24 – 26, 2017, the event features over 15,000 spectators and more than 3,000 custom and classic cars from all eras. A host of planned activities and celebrity appearances include “Horny Mike” from hit TV show “Counting Cars” along with several others from the custom car industry. As it has over the last 30 years in its former venue, IASCA will produce the Sound Quality and SPL competitions, joined by MECA Sound Quality and SPL, and the dB Drag Racing Association’s SPL competitions.

“Hosting the Auto Sound Competition Kickoff at the Daytona International Speedway is something our members and participants have been asking for, for quite some time” says Moe Sabourin, Director of Operations for IASCA Worldwide “Being able to join in with one of the largest custom and classic car shows in the country makes it even better and will give our competitors so much more to see and do; it’s going to be a very exciting weekend.”  IASCA President and SBN Founder Paul Papadeas commented, “Bringing the auto sound competition experience to a consumer driven event like the Turkey Run is huge. Over fifteen thousand car enthusiasts attend. These people continually invest in their rides and are now showing more interest for In-Car Entertainment and Safety Accessories.”

Papadeas continues, “The IASCA mission is two-fold. On one hand we work to proliferate consumer awareness and on the other we encourage 12 Volt Manufacturers and Distributors to host, stimulate and educate retailers with sales and marketing methods while having a little fun. We’ve suggested that suppliers stimulate industry attendance by offing “show special discounts and terms” exclusively on site. "Both trade and consumers need the education that these events offer but now event production must be approached differently; one size does not fit all. Our industry’s demographics and product offerings have changed. We must respond to that which best serves our industry’s needs. Intermingling consumers and industry members in one venue can be most effective if you present the event to the respective participants independently. Sharing the show floor to both factions simultaneously is less productive. Opening the show floor to the public in a festive manner for one evening is sufficient to peak consumer interest. It’s my personal goal to collaborate with industry proponents to establish the means to produce an event that serves both factions." 

Online pre-registrations for the IASCA Season Kickoff, featuring competition registrations for IASCA, MECA and dB Drag Racing will open January 1st, 2017 on the IASCA website at

For more info on registrations, host hotels and competition formats, visit the IASCA website at or contact the IASCA office at 386 322 1551.   

IASCA Worldwide Inc. has appointed South African audio industry members Shaheen Kalla and Joel Kopping as their new IASCA Executives for the country.

Shaheen has been involved in car audio since 1991, first as a consumer with a passion soaking up knowledge from his local car audio shop and installing systems. He continued to work in the industry through his years in school, installing and working for a car audio distributor in the country. He became an IASCA Sound Quality competitor and later on a Certified Judge at this time, competing and judging for a number of years, until he started writing technical articles for one of the country’s foremost car audio publications.

Joel’s involvement in car audio began in the mid 1980s as an installer at his family owned car audio shop. Shortly after, he began competing in IASCA Sound Quality. Also an IASCA Certified Judge and having served on the IASCA South Africa executive committee, he judged numerous events and held seminars on car audio, with a focus on the science of car audio and what makes a good sounding system. A writer as well, Joel was an assistant editor for Audio Video South Africa (AVSA) until 2014 when he started 13H of Johannesburg with his partner, a high end audio distribution and retail company that specializes in sound quality.

"Our goal is the revival of IASCA competition as a whole, with a focus on sound quality." they both stated “Our company focuses on all aspects of quality sound from car to home; there is a great passion for audio here in South Africa and our mission is to perpetuate quality sound and the science of sound in all formats, using IASCA as our vehicle to deliver this message to the public.”

“IASCA is excited to have Shaheen and Joel at the helm of IASCA in their country” said Moe Sabourin, Directors of Operations for IASCA Worldwide Inc. “We are very proud of our dedicated members in South Africa and look forward to continued growth in all IASCA competition formats; Joel and Shaheen have the passion to make a positive impact in South Africa and not only continue, but expand that growth in the region.”

For more information on IASCA Worldwide and IASCA South Africa, visit our website at or contact Moe Sabourin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Daytona Beach, Fla. – March 28, 2019 - IASCA Worldwide Inc., is proud to announce that a prestigious award for outstanding achievement was presented overseas. Recently, Motonation, an organization that connects industry proponents and influences end users, held their Second Annual Asia Automotive Award Night, recognizing outstanding achievement in multiple automotive business categories. The event was held at the luxurious Palace of the Golden Horses in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. More than 500 invited guests were on hand to honor 77 champions in each of the categories.

The award for Asia’s Best Car Audio Sound Standard went to IASCA Worldwide’s Director of IASCA Asia, Samuel Tan.

Tan began his association with IASCA over 15 years ago as the Director of IASCA Singapore. Having accomplished great measures in Signapore, IASCA recognized that Tan’s expertise and abilites were best utlized throughout all Asian markets.

“We are extremely proud of Samuel’s work for the IASCA mission across Asia,” said IASCA Worldwide President Paul Papadeas. “Samuel travels regularly across Asia, speaks seven languages, and has coordianted and performed everal well-attended IASCA Judges trainings. Samuel has brought all Pan-Asian IASCA affiliations together to produce very sucessful car audio marketing events and has influenced Chinese authorities to recognize IASCA sound quality and installation standards, to the degree that they proclaimed IASCA as the only official competition sanctioning body in the country. It’s safe to say that Tan’s work is instrumental in IASCA’s success in the region." 

For more information of IASCA Worldwide, visit  

Daytona Beach FL - February 2, 2017 - For 30 years IASCA and the Spring Break Nationals have awarded members and industry proponents that have had a great and positive influence in our industry. “These awards were presented in honor of our colleagues that have passed away, some, too early in life. It’s our way to show homage and recognize those that had the passion and performance this industry thrives on” said IASCA and SBN principal Paul Papadeas.

The Darrell Bell Award (formerly the Bruce Terrell Award) in the early years of IASCA, Darrell was a valued employee and event coordinator for the association. His award will go the company or individual that is a driving force in our industry.

Secondly, in the name of Harold Jaffee, an award will be presented to the company or individual that significantly influences IASCA operations. Jaffee was a principal of a Pacific NW mobile electronics Rep Firm and was a strong supporter of IASCA especially in its formative years.

“We are proud to announce these awards” cites Papadeas “Harold had a great sense of humor and was perhaps the best Judge’s trainer in IASCA history”. Darrell was a sweetheart and had influenced everyone he met in a most positive way”.

The 31st Spring Break Nationals will be held at the Daytona International Speedway March 24-26, 2017.

To find out more about SBN’s move to the Speedway or for exhibitor information please visit or call IASCA at 386 767 3030.

Daytona Beach, November 12, 2019 – IASCA Worldwide President Paul Papadeas announced today that the Premier Soundoff Association is changing hands in ownership.

Long time IASCA competitor, Certified Judge, Judge Trainer and Event Producer Travis Chin assumes the mantle as leader of the car audio marketing organization formed in 1987.

“Travis has been a competitor since 1994, and is an IASCA Certified Judge and Judge Trainer, participating and producing events nationally and traveling, training IASCA Judges internationally,” said Papadeas. “He has demonstrated the posture of a leader and a professional, befitting of the industry’s premier Soundoff organization, and is well respected among his peers.”

“Having been involved with IASCA for close to 20 years and in the last decade as its Director, the feeling is bittersweet, but I’m very excited for the future of the organization under Travis’ leadership,” said Moe Sabourin, Director of Operations for IASCA Worldwide. “I’m quite confident that Travis, along with IASCA’s group of colleagues nationwide and internationally, will keep the IASCA mission moving forward. We at the current IASCA office will work closely with Travis and his team to make the transition as seamless as possible.”

“I’m excited to take over the IASCA mission,” said Travis Chin. “It’s been one of my passions for a long time. Over the next several weeks, I plan to work with Moe and Kim Sabourin to become acclimated. I look forward to upholding the principles and traditions that IASCA has established over the last 32 years. I will also enjoy connecting with industry leaders and work with the other associations to further the promotional efforts that are most important to the industry.”

Papadeas said, “Throughout the last three decades, the industry has benefitted in many ways from soundoff events. They are the best grass roots efforts to promote consumer exposure and are worthy of manufacturer support. At this phase of my career after close to 50 years, I feel it important to pass the association on to a new generation, to a person as passionate about our industry as I have been. Travis is that person. I personally implore all car audio manufacturers and enthusiasts to support Travis in IASCA’s continuing mission.”

“I would like to thank all the competitor, dealer and industry supporters, as well as our international affiliate nations, for their commitment to IASCA during our tenure,” Papadeas continued. “It has been an honor to serve you for close to 20 years.”

Official transfer of IASCA ownership will take place December 1st, 2019.

For more info on IASCA Worldwide, contact Travis Chin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Moe Sabourin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Kim Sabourin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Daytona Beach, FL - April 20, 2017 – IASCA Worldwide is conducting a Judge’s Training course in Plano, Texas, the weekend of April 22nd. More than 20 people will be attending the course, focused around Sound and Installation Quality.

The two day course will be headed by IASCA Worldwide Director of Operations, Moe Sabourin.  Special Guest Speakers include long time IASCA Judge James Feltenberger and Nick Wingate; Feltenberger and Wingate will focus on Tonality, Staging and Imaging judging sections. Chris Pate , owner of Mobile Toys in College Station, TX, and long time IASCA Champion competitor  will discuss installation techniques during the Installation Judging portion of the training.

The course will take place at Soundscape Car Audio, 2901 N. Central Expressway, Plano, Texas.

“The State of Texas is a hub of sound quality car audio activity” said Sabourin “There has been more and more interest in IASCA’s presence in the State over the last few years, and this is a big step forward for us. As technology in car audio changes, there’s a greater focus on sound quality again, as well as the proper installation of these technologies; this training will not only breed new IASCA Judges for the State but raise awareness in Sound Quality. We’re very excited to have James, Nick and Chris participate as well; long standing IASCA traditions along with new technologies will be brought together for what we believe will be one of the best training sessions to date. I look forward to traveling to Texas and working with some great people to make it a reality.”

The training course will run Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 6 pm. Spots are still available; for more information, contact Moe Sabourin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

October 18th,2019 – Daytona Beach, Fla. -- The 2019 IASCA North American Championship (INAC), concluded on Sunday, October 13th, 2019 with over 100 competitors from the U.S., Canada and Mexico vying for championship titles in sound quality, installation quality, IdBL and Bass Boxing SPL competitions.

“It was a proud moment to see all of our competitors ready to battle for another championship,” said Moe Sabourin, Director of Operations for IASCA Worldwide. “There were also a lot of new faces in both the SPL and SQ lanes, which was exciting. It’s also great to see old friends that I only get to see once a year here in Louisville. It reminds me of all the awesome times we’ve had together at this event over the years.”

Awards this year featured a custom cnc machined base with dye sublimated plaques for INAC and the 3X event, sponsored by Arc Audio, along with the traditional 3 foot cup for Triple Crown and the much desired boxing belts in IASCA Bass Boxing.

Notable Champions include Brian Mitchell, successfully defending his Triple Crown 2 seat Championship for 2 years in a row now, winning his third this past weekend. Brian was also the weekend’s entertainment with crazy costumes each day, keeping everyone smiling.

Robert Corwin successfully defended his Triple Crown 1 seat Championship, and newcomer Anthony Rodriguez was awarded the Champion spot in the Novice SQ Class.  And, this year’s INAC saw the return of Scott Buwalda’s infamous “Black Betty”, which took top honors in all formats of the Extreme Open SQ class.

INAC also saw its first ever “Motosounds” motorcycle Championship with LA Audio shop owner Larry Adams taking the top spot in his class. Head Judge Terry Floyd worked hard all season long to build the motorcycle competition format and had a great time with the Motosounds competitors. (see photo)

The Unified Car Audio Championship and IASCA were also supported by many industry members as well, such as Arc Audio (SQ Hall sponsor and Trophy Sponsor), JL Audio, Hybrid Audio Technologies, Kicker, US Acoustics, Focal, Pioneer and many more.

“Special thanks go out to our entire Judging Team, support staff and supporters” Sabourin continued to say; “These great people worked their butts off and delivered a first class event. Without their hard work and dedication to IASCA competition, we would not be here today.”

The Sound Quality (SQC) Judging Team consisted of Travis Chin (Head Judge), Keith Turner, Tim Goudy, John Sketoe, Steve Head, IASCA Caribbean Director Shazad Rahaman, Jeff Smith and after a brief absence from the judging lanes, Gord Stansell returned to judge install (IQC).

The SPL Judging team consisted of Head Judge Aaron Dunkle, Scott Sinde, Brandon Rosser, Matt Miller from the West Coast, and Joey and Chrystle Perry.

Support Staff include Kim Sabourin, Terry Floyd and Kim Cook.

The Rules and Ethics Committees have already begun drafting the new rules for 2020, which are set to be released in January.

Winners of the IASCA INAC and the 3X competitions will be posted on the IASCA website in the coming days. You can view the results at

For more information, contact IASCA at (386) 322-1551 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

October 20th, 2016 -- The IASCA North American Championships, known as INAC, was once again a huge success. Held at the Kentucky Expo Center in Louisville, KY, the event brought in close to 70 SQ competitors and more than 100 IASCA SPL competitors from across the continent. With close to 300 registrations in IASCA Sound Quality, Installation Quality, IdBL and Bass Boxing competition, the judging team was working hard through the 2 days of the event.

Special thanks go out to all the IASCA Judges who worked diligently through the weekend. In SQC and IQC competition, the team comprised of Head Judge Travis Chin (WA), Keith Turner (VA), Tim Goudy (AR), John Sketoe (AR), Jeff Smith (GA) and Christerfer Pate (TX). The IASCA SPL Judging team consisted of Head Judge Aaron Dunkle (FL), Tony Economou (FL), Scott Sinde (IL) and Brandon Rosser (MI). Thanks also go out to the registration and administration team, including Kim Sabourin (FL), Terry Floyd (AL), Kim Cook (AL) and the Judges spouses, Chelsea, Elizabeth and Jessica who also helped out with set up and worked hard at the show over the weekend.

“Once again, our team did a great job and we are extremely proud of them” said Moe Sabourin, Director of Operations for IASCA Worldwide “One of the toughest jobs in car audio competition is being a judge; most Judges know the competitors and have great friendships with them. When you’re judging, you have to turn off the friendship and focus on the rules, and ensure that everyone is following them. That’s not always an easy task when there’s so much passion and intensity in the lanes.”

“This was our fifth year being part of the Unified Finals Championship.” Sabourin continued to say, “Working with great people like Wayne and Celise Harris from dB Drag Racing and Steve Stern from MECA, along with their judging teams, has proven to industry that our collective goal is the betterment of our industry; we’re proud to be part of the event. From the orgs to our industry members who supported us, we are looking forward to continuing this partnership for many years to come.”

Supporting the event were industry members from all forms of car audio and competition, including:

  • Alphard Sound Technology (Title Sponsor)
  • AAMP of America (Stinger, Phoenix Gold)
  • Beyma
  • Boom Mat (Design Engineering Inc.)
  • DD Audio
  • Full River Battery
  • Hybrid Audio Technologies
  • Incriminator Audio
  • Linear Power
  • MMATS Pro Audio
  • Ohio Generator
  • XS Power
  • Dad’s Custom Car Audio (Retail Dealer, Louisville, KY)
  • Audio Specialists (Retail Dealer, Hopkinsville, KY)

With close to 300 vehicles competing at the event, the Unified Finals Championship took up two of the main buildings at the venue, including the Pavilion and the Broadbent Arena. There were also competitors staged outside due to overflow and the logistics of the event went off without any major issues.

For more information about IASCA, the Unified Finals Championship and event results, visit our website at  

During the China International Auto Products Expo (CIAPE) held last week at the NECC, the World’s largest exhibition complex, IASCA President Paul Papadeas was summoned to officiate at a four day IASCA China SQ event. In addition to worldwide automobile brands, CIAPE exhibits a plethora of manufacturers of industrial machinery and heavy equipment. Primarily featured as a trade show, the event is also open to consumers on one of the four days. Within the CIAPE event, the China Auto Modification Accessories Association (CAMAA) maintains a huge section for all things in the automotive modification aftermarket.

Executing its commitment to promote mobile electronics to both the trade and consumers, IASCA Worldwide and its Pan-Asian Director Samuel Tan, coordinated with IASCA China President Jordorn Xie and CAMAA to host the “IASCA MASTERS SOUND QUALITY RACE” This championship competition drew more than 80 “best of the best” finalists from all over the country with many competitors and enthusiasts driving several days to reach the show. Four days of championship judging ensued with IASCA Certified Officials from China, Singapore and Taiwan evaluating some of the country’s top Sound Quality vehicles. Attendance was amazing and spectators had a great opportunity to experience great Auto Sound.    

“It had been 10 years since my last trip to an IASCA China competition”, Papadeas said, “The degree of professionalism and installation prowess has increased dramatically. There also was great emphasis on cosmetics as well, with many of the vehicles decked out with custom fabrication and LED lighting features”. Several brands of auto sound were represented through Chinese Dealers and Distributors including elettromedia, Arc Audio, Audiopipe, JL Audio and more. Next year’s event is already in the planning stage with expansion to incorporate more floor space indoors and the addition of an outdoor exhibit and competition of Performance Sound Systems in the revised format: ISQPlus.

“I’m proud to carry on IASCA’S commitment to proliferate the industry worldwide” Papadeas continues, “I’m also pleased to see that Brand participation in these international trade/consumer events go to great lengths to help accomplish our collective promotional goals. To that end, it troubles me to see, that in all my travels, the Brand support at international events is so much greater than it is here in North America, the continent that sets the stage for our industry’s future”. 

For more information or commentary contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more info on the CIAPE please visit

March 31, 2017  -  Daytona Beach, Florida – The IASCA Competitions held at the spacious Daytona International Speedway (DIS) during the Spring Break Nationals were held on March 24-26th. This was the first time that SBN joined the Spring Turkey Run, a long term Car Show, to maximize car audio exposure to its newest consumer demographic. There was more than an ample amount of space for IASCA and the other Soundoff Organizations in attendance, to hold their competitions without concern for noise problems interfering with competitions and neighborhood complaints for excessive sound.

The four factions of IASCA competition were served; Sound Quality, the Tuner Jam Car Show, SPL which includes Bass Boxing and IdBL and the most recently popular Phenom, “DEMOZ”. DEMOZ is the recent wave of competition which really isn’t a regulated competition as much as it’s a competition of Sound Rivals. There are no judges, there is no scoresheet. DEMOZ is merely a place where participants stretch the envelope of sound, creating mobile audio beasts, pitting against each other for recognition as the loudest, most insane vehicle sound systems anywhere. 

Each competition area was located far enough apart from each other as not to cause interference with each other or the Turkey Run Car Show that the IASCA had joined forces with. IASCA Director of Worldwide Operations Moe Sabourin said: “We’ve learned a lot from this first year and are exploring forward movement for 2018. The Speedway is huge and we monitored the sound levels across all fields that proved that we can bring the action in these four segments closer together”. 

Notable awards in honor of members of the IASCA family that had recently have passed on were presented; the Darrell Bell and Harold Jaffe Awards. In the ‘90’s Darrell was an outstanding employee of the IASCA office and had produced IASCA finals events for several years. Darrell made a friend in everyone he met. Harold had a great sense of humor and was a Manufacturer’s Representative in the Pacific Northwest. He served as President of IASCA in early days and remained a loyal proponent involved in the IASCA board of Directors. Harold also conducted excellent Judges’ trainings worldwide.  The Darrell Bell and Harold Jaffe Awards were issued to IASCA veteran competitor and educator Mark Eldridge and IASCA Judge and Trainer Travis Chin respectively, for their commitments to IASCA and industry.

In competition awards, the pinnacle of IASCA Competition is the Triple Crown. Triple Crown competitors are judged for Sound Quality (SQC) and Installation Quality (IQC) with a judging team as opposed to one Judge. The 2017 IASCA TC winners at SBN were Paul Pirro of Tint World in One-Seat Judging, Brian Mitchell of Arc Audio in Two-Seat Judging, and Matt Hall, a consumer and military pilot serving our Country in Afghanistan, in the Expert Class.  All of the competitions progressed smoothly and awards were handed out in the NASCAR / Gatorade Victory Lane. While no one shook and sprayed a Champagne bottle or did a backflip off their car, receiving awards at in Victory Lane was only topped by a couple of Police and Pace Truck Escorted Victory Laps around the Speedway that all competitors were treated to. Likewise, no Burnouts or Victory Donuts were reported either.

For results of the IASCA competition please visit

Daytona Beach, FL – Thursday, July 21, 2016  -  IASCA Worldwide has announced the release of an all new Sound Quality Reference CD. Unlike its predecessors, the new release is a two-disc set. Disc One is an evaluation CD containing 32 new technical tracks and snippets of new musical tracks for judging car audio systems. Disc Two is an entertainment CD. It has the full length versions of the musical tracks used on the evaluation CD for the listener’s enjoyment and appreciation of the entire piece. Each of the musical tracks were carefully chosen for their ability to clearly define the sound quality of the system it plays on.

 “The all new IASCA Sound Quality Reference CD is the best that’s been produced to date; the production is superb!” said IASCA President Paul Papadeas, “We see a definite trend in the resurgence of Sound Quality and its importance to industry is essential after all, we are selling entertainment. We have invested a great deal in research and development in this SQ Disc project. We are most appreciative and proud of the support of our partner relationships that have helped us reach this milestone and enables us to continue the IASCA mission of industry proliferation and consumer awareness.”

 The initial release of the CD was made possible in part with the sponsorship of Kenwood, JL Audio, Arc Audio, Pioneer, Hybrid Audio Technologies, Clef Labs, Stinger and Phoenix Gold. The Master CD was produced by Master Recording Engineer Steve Chant, owner of Dogwood Studios who also narrates the CD. Steve has worked with some of the greatest names in the Music industry including the Moody Blues, Annie Lennox, The Who, Billy Ocean, Incubus and several other popular artists.

 “The New IASCA Sound Quality Reference Disc set will be enjoyed by more than IASCA competitors”, Papadeas continues; “Every car audio enthusiast and every smart Car Audio Dealer will want at least one copy for system tuning, demonstrations, and their own enjoyment”.  The liner notes included are very informative with instructions and diagrams of sound staging maps to better understand the parameters of IASCA SQ judging.

 Special thanks go to the contributors to the IASCA Sound Quality Reference CD’s fruition:  IASCA UK President J.R. Robinson, IASCA Worldwide Director Moe Sabourin, Wolfgang Frank of Concord Music Group and Fred Lynch (IASCA Senior Judge) of Arc Audio who collectively selected the tracks that would best be used for sound system judging efficiency.

 The two-disc set will be available August 1, 2016 on selling for $19.95. IASCA SQ Competitor members that have joined as of January 2016 will receive a copy of the disc. All subsequent SQ competitor members of IASCA will receive a copy along with their membership kit. 

 For more information, please visit or call us at 386 322 1551

10-23-2017 -- Car Audio Competition organizations dBDRA (dB Drag Racing Association), MECA (Mobile Electronics Competition Association) and IASCA (International Autosound Challenge Association) once again joined forces to produce a unified finals event at the Kentucky Exposition Center, October 14-15, 2017.

The event overall was once again a great success, with SQ and SPL competitors from across the country. IASCA saw yet another increase in competitor attendance, achieving some of the highest competitor attendance numbers since becoming part of the Unified Car Audio Championship effort in 2012.

“Every year, IASCA’s competitor attendance continues to grow” said Moe Sabourin, Director of Operations for IASCA Worldwide “We’re already planning for a larger space for 2018, along with MECA and Db Drag once again. Running out of space is a good problem to have and we’re looking forward to making it even better for all competitors next year.”

To view the results of the IASCA North American Championships (INAC) at the Unified Car Audio Championship, go to 

For more questions or information regarding the event, please contact Moe Sabourin, Director of Operations: Tel 386-322-1551, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Daytona Beach, Fla. --  September 16, 2019 – Moe Sabourin, Director of Worldwide Operations for IASCA, is proud to announce the country of Vietnam as the newest international affiliate. Sabourin, along with the diligent work and the attention of Samuel Tan, IASCA Worldwide’s Pan-Asian Director, brings Vietnam into IASCA’s worldwide team dedicated to fulfilling IASCA’s mission of car audio industry proliferation.

Mr. Pham Chi Kien, the CEO of CAR ACCESSORIES DISTRIBUTION PRO Jsc. will lead and assemble the team in Vietnam to produce auto sound promotional events throughout the country. Plans are underway to schedule Judge’s training which will be performed IASCA Thailand’s Nopporn Thovaskul. IASCA Vietnam Judges will be outfitted with IASCA Judging kits upon their completion of training. Forthcoming will be an IASCA Vietnam Website and Social Media sites.

“It’s encouraging to see that IASCA’s Mission is strong across the globe” says IASCA President Paul Papadeas, “Soundoff competition has made great headway in stimulating interest in car audio across Asia and I’m glad to see that the industry in that part of the world supports those efforts. We look forward to supporting a long-term relationship with our new colleagues.”

For more information click or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Daytona Beach FL – January 22, 2019 – The IASCA mission promoting consumer awareness continues, now placing car audio manufacturers and suppliers in front of new consumers. IASCA President and industry activist Paul Papadeas has made a great connection with the producers of the annual Jeep Beach event held at the end of every April in Daytona Beach. Jeep Beach (April 22-28, 2019) is a series of city-wide functions, lasting all week, culminating with a huge expo at the Daytona International Speedway. “The Jeep Beach producers are wonderful people with a great sense of community. Their event production carries the same sense of professionalism, commitment and responsibility as we did at SBN. When we acquired IASCA almost 20 years ago, the mission was industry proliferation,” said Papadeas. “What our industry needs, especially now, is better exposure to new consumers and marketing events like these fit the bill.”

The recent cancellation of SBN 2019 was, in part, stimulated by waning manufacturer support for the event. Let’s face facts; car audio suppliers seemingly take issue with supporting events for those who already own their car audio products. What they want to see are new faces. Developing alliances with events the likes of Jeep Beach will give just that to our industry. IASCA will produce the first ever JEEP BEATS™ Soundoff at the Jeep Beach Monday night kick-off gathering at the DME Stadium. Modified IASCA rules to suit the Jeep’s unique acoustical environment will be applied.

Over 200 vendors participating in Jeep Beach reach more than 25,000 participants in this charitable event. Jeep Beach is a 501 (c) (3) organization, which to date has donated more than 1.5 million dollars to national and local charities. “Their mission is charitable contributions,” Papadeas says, “my mission is industry proliferation and this event makes sense.”

Check out vendor information at or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

9-28-2017-- IASCA Worldwide Inc. affiliate IASCA Turkey held its first event in five years at the Ataturk Olimpiyat (Olympic) Stadium in Istanbul, Turkey. Dozens of competition vehicles and close to 10,000 spectators attended the event which was held on September 24th.

The IdBL event was officiated by World Record Judge Terry Floyd of Dothan, Alabama. “Traveling to Turkiye was indeed a pleasure to represent IASCA Worldwide in conducting an official World Record event for the Turkish people.” Floyd said “They were very kind and full of energy, enthusiasm and excited to have an event of this magnitude. Their vehicles are on the same level as most I have seen across the US and other countries. They have the knowledge and spirit of competition in their blood with a passion as all of us do for the love of car audio.” Terry continued to say “I am proud to have been part of this exciting event and hope to go back soon. The Turkish people are kind and generous and very thoughtful. I must say it changed my perception of that country. Istanbul is populated with over 20 million people and it seemed to be alive and thriving.”

Event Promoter Pasam Sezer, who owns Pasam Tuning, hosts automotive events across the country and has recently become the face of IASCA in the country. This was his first IASCA event and he was very pleased with the turnout; more events are being planned for the future and Turkish competitors are looking forward to a revitalization of car audio competition in the country.

Along with a strong competitor and spectator presence, there was also solid manufacturer support and presence at the event as well, including manufacturers from around the world and distributors of their products; Sound Digital, DD Audio, PRV, DS18, Morel, JBL and many more had vendor booths at the show, supporting the event and the competitors.

Moe Sabourin, Director of Operations for IASCA Worldwide Inc. said, “With all the strife in the world these days, it’s evident that the passion for car audio brings different cultures together when events such as this take place. Turkey has seen more than its share of difficulties these last few years along its border with Syria, as well as terror attacks, but the passion for car audio rises above all of this and shines through. It shows that we have a lot more in common and less differences after all.”

Sabourin continued to say: “Having attended one of IASCA Turkey’s events in 2007, I was truly hoping to return myself, but unfortunately duties at home precluded me from doing so. Terry did a phenomenal job there; the IASCA office has received numerous emails praising Terry for the work he did at the show; IASCA is fortunate to have such a great representative.”

The IdBL Ultimate Class score was broken by Turkish competitor Ali Yildirim and his armored car, setting a record score of 179.8 dB, surpassing South Africa’s Len Potgeiter’s score by over 2 dB.

For information on the new IASCA Worldwide, please visit our website at or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For information on IASCA Turkey, visit

April 26, 2017 – Daytona Beach FL. – In the Port City of Surabaya, IASCA Worldwide, along with IASCA Indonesia, held a Judge’s and Competitor training last weekend at the Novotel hotel.

Twenty-four auto sound enthusiasts, six of whom are staff members, took the two day IASCA Judge’s training and test. IASCA Judge and Trainer Fred Lynch conducted the session which was sponsored by auto sound manufacturer SB Acoustics and Arc Audio.

“It’s refreshing to see the passion for car audio in this country” said IASCA President Paul Papadeas, “the interest and passion for car audio all across Asia is astounding. After a period of dormancy, the resurgence of IASCA in Indonesia by its new directors promises escalation in car audio awareness and ultimately sales”. The IASCA Indonesia helm was taken by Director Erik Lim and Managing Director Jaka Sendrawan. is a National Auto Sound Publication.

The day after training, Lynch judged an Invitation Only IASCA SQ Competition of Pro and Ultimate Class vehicles; for some, this was a first time experience. “It is the job of all IASCA judges” cites Papadeas, “to not only judge vehicles fairly but to make the process an educational experience, stimulating the competitor’s motivation to embrace auto sound”.

“Every car was nothing short of a pure pleasure to listen to while experiencing the emotion, energy and passion of music in every one. The top 5 cars were all less than 2 points apart in total score with ties in tonality on most of them.” said Arc Audio’s Fred Lynch, “From the first show I ever judged in Indonesia it has been extremely gratifying to hear the difference and growth in experience in the way they tune, present their audio systems and most importantly continue to develop their love for music.”

For more information about IASCA in Indonesia visit For IASCA Worldwide info visit or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Daytona Beach, Florida – IASCA Worldwide’s Director of Operations Moe Sabourin recently visited its Affiliate in Indonesia for a week’s worth of training and competition judging in the country’s capital city of Jakarta.

In a city of 10 million people, IASCA Indonesia affiliate hosted a four-day training seminar including two days of IASCA Judge’s and Competitor Training for Sound Quality at the Hotel Santika in the heart of the city.

More than 50 attendees were present for the training, with 30 attendees participating in becoming certified as IASCA Indonesia Judges.

Along with the training was the introduction of the all new IASCA Sound Quality Reference CD set; attendees followed the training with each section highlighting the evaluation tracks on the disc. As the final production run of the CDs was not yet complete, the production company produced CD-Rs specifically for the training so that Indonesian Judges and competitors could experience the new CD set.

Over 35 competitors participated in the Sound Quality competition on the Friday following the training seminars. The competitors’ systems were evaluated using the new IASCA Sound Quality Reference CD and it was an instant success.

"Although the main purpose of the trip was for the training, the buzz was all about the new CD" said IASCA Director of Operations, Moe Sabourin "After the IASCA Judges/Competitors training and the Arc Audio training, attendees were outside in their vehicles tuning with the new CD preparing for Friday’s competition.”. Sabourin continued to say “Everyone we spoke with had high praise for the quality of the CD’s engineering and tracks used. Orders for the new CD in the region have already topped 400 and growing daily! This is definitely a turning point for IASCA Sound Quality competition and a huge movement forward for awareness of aftermarket car audio.”

Plans are already under way for an IASCA car audio system tuning CD set to compliment the new reference CD.

For more information on IASCA Worldwide and its affiliate countries, visit or contact Moe Sabourin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

6-12-2017, Mobile Electronics Magazine -- The human voice registers at 25 to 35 decibels. Anything higher than 130 dB and you hit the pain threshold. Go to a rock concert and you’re in for about 125 dB. Fireworks or a space shuttle launch—even when you’re a few miles away—deliver almost off-the-charts sound. More obscure, but unbelievably powerful, is the low-frequency rumble of a blue whale at over 185 dB.

Now imagine a vehicle with pressure-sealed doors, a shatter-proof windshield, and booming bass—amps and subs packed to the max inside—and you’ve just entered the world of sound pressure league competitors. 

Auto sound competition, or what some might even consider a car audio art form, has been around for quite some time. The original governing body back in 1988 was called the National Autosound Challenge Association (NACA), but the name didn’t cover its scope as more people got involved.

“After a few Canadian distributors and dealers saw the value in what it was doing for the industry and came on board, they changed the name to IASCA (International Auto Sound Challenge Association) in 1989, said Moe Sabourin, director of operations for IASCA Worldwide. “IASCA’s main purpose was, and still is, to be a tool for retailers to promote the car audio industry to the general public and to gain exposure and credibility for the industry as a whole.”

Sabourin has been in the industry since 1978—as a shop owner from 1998 to 2004, as an IASCA competitor from 1994 to 2005 (not to mention a former IASCA world champion), and now as general manager of Soundcrafters in Daytona Beach, Fla. He has also used the IASCA rules on the sales floor to gain credibility with his clients.

“It was a successful program that helped increase sales at my shop exponentially in the first three years of its existence,” Sabourin said. “I have been, and continue to be, a firm believer that the program works when used. Much like an installer and his tool box, a shop is the tool box and the IASCA rule book is a tool in the tool box, and a tool only works when the installer uses it. If the program is used, it works.”

Sabourin, who was recently at an IASCA judges training at Soundscape Car Audio in Dallas, said one of the hottest topics of discussion among attendees was exactly this—going over the IASCA rulebook and how it can help build credibility with customers. “Our retail memberships have a full package that gives basic sales techniques and offers tools that dealers can use within their showrooms to increase sales and increase profits,” Sabourin said. “We spent a good three hours just talking about that.”

Presently, there are about 150 IASCA events a year. “Promoters all across the country host events at local levels in their specific areas,” Sabourin said. “For dealers, it brings them exposure and creates excitement, but the main goal for a retailer is to use the IASCA name and tools on the sales floor to generate credibility, enhance their reputation, and promote their quality of work.”

IASCA, as many mistakenly assume, is not just a competition organization. “We are an organization designed for the betterment of the industry and to get some exposure to the consumer and to the public,” Sabourin said. “We do that through sanctioned events, local level events, and through the dealers as more of a tune-up clinic. Consumers can bring their vehicles into the retailer, and then show them off to the public. It allows people to see that we’ve been educated in the proper installation techniques and that we’re here to move into the 21st century with new technologies as well.”

The organization also issues its well-known IASCA Sound Quality Reference CD, which for the first time, is a two-disc set. Disc one is the evaluation CD and contains 32 new technical tracks and snippets of musical tracks for judging car audio systems. Disc two is the entertainment CD; it contains the full-length version of the musical tracks used on the evaluation CD for the listener’s enjoyment. The musical tracks were carefully chosen for their ability to clearly define the sound quality of the system it plays on. 


Read the rest of the story HERE.

1-6-2017 -- Car Audio Competition organizations dBDRA (dB Drag Racing Association), MECA (Mobile Electronics Competition Association) and IASCA (International Autosound Challenge Association) are once again joining forces to produce a unified finals event. The event will be held at the Kentucky Exposition Center, during the weekend of October 14-15, 2017. This event will include all competitors from SQ to SPL and will allow for the opportunity to compete in multiple formats. 

With the success of the 2014, 2015 and 2016 Car Audio Championship we have continued to further the unified finals effort. The event space will occupy over 110,000 square feet and will allow for the maximum allotted show times and we feel this will keep the competition running smoothly. In addition to the competition vehicles, there will be vendor booths along with show sponsorships as well.

“Every year, the strength of the Unified Finals effort continues to grow” said Moe Sabourin, Director of Operations for IASCA “We’re proud to be part of our industry and to contribute to its success, along with such great organizations as dB Drag and MECA. Louisville in 2016 was a huge success; after the show last year, we all agreed that this would be the Unified Finals new home and we’re very excited to have secured the venue for 2017 and be able to announce it well in advance. We look forward to seeing all our fellow car audio enthusiasts in Louisville once again!”

“The dBDRA is super excited to be back in Louisville, KY. The Kentucky Expo Center is a great facility and seems to be centrally located for the competitors. This is a great venue for the FINALS and we are excited to be partnering with IASCA and MECA again this year. This collaborative effort amongst the organizations and competitors is a such a positive experience for the aftermarket auto sound and accessory industry.” Said dB Drag Racing Association Marketing Director, Celise Harris 

Commissioner Steve Stern on the event: "Being a part of the united Car Audio Championship for 2017 is great news for our club members: Competitors, Retailers, and Manufacturers. We are building on the best season we've had in years, and the best Finals event in our 19 year history. We appreciate the cooperation and good will we share with dB Drag Racing and IASCA!  We all work together to provide an exciting event for the mobile electronics industry.  Everybody who loves car audio and related gear is invited to participate and enjoy our big car stereo party.

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