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12-12-2016, Entrepreneur -- Start with an understanding that "the right people are worth everything."

Starting a business -- or even getting involved as a professional -- when you’re young can be intimidating. You might have knowledge about business from school, books or practical advice from sources online, but there’s a big difference between understanding business fundamentals on paper and gaining wisdom through actual experience.

By the end of your career, you’ll have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and hundreds of lessons, but there are some lessons that you should learn early on -- ideally before you turn 30.

These lessons are some of the most important to learn while you’re still young enough to make use of them:

1. The right people are worth everything.

It’s almost impossible to build a successful business by yourself. Even if you’re a solo entrepreneur, there will be mentors, partners, vendors and peers alongside you helping you achieve your long-term vision. So, recognize how valuable other people will open you up to more opportunities, help you keep an eye out for new contacts no matter where you are and make you more discerning in decisions like hiring and long-term deals.

Learning this lesson early will prevent you from wasting time on the wrong people and give you more time to work with the best people you find.

2. You’re going to fail -- and that’s okay.

No matter how much you know or how much you prepare, failure is going to be inevitable for you. Your business may become successful overall, but there will be individual strategies and campaigns that crash and burn, and ideas that fizzle out entirely. Facing failure with the realization that it is, in some contexts, unavoidable, makes it. easier to accept.

You can view it as a lesson and an opportunity to improve, rather than an end point or a sign that you should give up entirely.

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