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USA Today -- Teenagers, already saddled with worries about grades, soon will encounter cars that can issue their own "report cards" when it comes to driving skills.

Several companies, ranging from global automakers to technology start-ups, have introduced services that enable parents to track, influence or restrict the driving habits of their teenage children.

General Motors will go a step further later this year when it installs an optional system on certain 2016 Chevrolet Malibu models that will compile a touch-screen "report card" for parents that will blow a whistle if their kids' speed or drive aggressively.

"The whole point is to help teens develop safe-driving habits," Detroit-area GM engineer MaryAnn Beebe said in a recent interview while giving a demo of the new Teen Driver system.

The report card is visible only to parents via a personal identification number (PIN), and the data is not sent to GM servers. The data is housed in the vehicle itself.

Chevy's new system will eventually be made a standard feature on all the brand's vehicles, GM spokesman Chad Lyons said. For now it's part of an optional upgrade to premium trim levels.

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