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CLEARWATER, FL (November 3, 2016) – AAMP Global introduces a new Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) policy kicking off with the PAC and EchoMaster brands. This policy is designed to protect the value and integrity of AAMP’s Power Brands, and AAMP’s network of retail partners.

Why Implement a MAP Policy?

The Internet has made it easier than ever for consumers to research products before they buy, and part of that process is price comparison. People can choose from a variety of online stores and vendors, and in many cases, they’ll go with whoever has the lowest price. For brick and mortar stores, this “showrooming” has been especially problematic.  Consumers look at products in person before buying them online at a lower price. Because online retailers have minimal overhead, the discounts can be incredibly steep. This not only disadvantages other retailers, but can devalue AAMP Global’s brands.

This new MAP policy prevents retailers from advertisingAAMP Power Brand products too cheaply, protecting the value of these solutions. The MAP agreement requires retailers to advertise the products at what they’re worth, and prevents online retailers with minimum overhead from offering steep discounts that give them an advantage over other sellers.

“We recognize the investments our brick and mortar retailers are making and the effect margin compression caused by online price erosion can have, especially within the AAMP portfolio of accessories.   AAMP invests large amounts of resource to engineer, develop and market these products, our mission with the new policy is to secure the margins our retail partners need to be successful.”   explained Scott Forst senior vice president of sales.

By implementing a MAP policy, AAMP Global hopes to free certified retailers from the burden of catering to price-driven bargain shoppers. Instead, AAMP’s products can be priced consistently in a way that reflects their true value.

A copy of AAMP’s MAP policy can be found at:

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