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Daytona Beach, FL - April 20, 2017 – IASCA Worldwide is conducting a Judge’s Training course in Plano, Texas, the weekend of April 22nd. More than 20 people will be attending the course, focused around Sound and Installation Quality.

The two day course will be headed by IASCA Worldwide Director of Operations, Moe Sabourin.  Special Guest Speakers include long time IASCA Judge James Feltenberger and Nick Wingate; Feltenberger and Wingate will focus on Tonality, Staging and Imaging judging sections. Chris Pate , owner of Mobile Toys in College Station, TX, and long time IASCA Champion competitor  will discuss installation techniques during the Installation Judging portion of the training.

The course will take place at Soundscape Car Audio, 2901 N. Central Expressway, Plano, Texas.

“The State of Texas is a hub of sound quality car audio activity” said Sabourin “There has been more and more interest in IASCA’s presence in the State over the last few years, and this is a big step forward for us. As technology in car audio changes, there’s a greater focus on sound quality again, as well as the proper installation of these technologies; this training will not only breed new IASCA Judges for the State but raise awareness in Sound Quality. We’re very excited to have James, Nick and Chris participate as well; long standing IASCA traditions along with new technologies will be brought together for what we believe will be one of the best training sessions to date. I look forward to traveling to Texas and working with some great people to make it a reality.”

The training course will run Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 6 pm. Spots are still available; for more information, contact Moe Sabourin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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